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词汇 unique
例句 Katy was a woman of unique talent.凯蒂是个才智超群的女子。Every child is unique, with their own needs, preferences and talents.每个孩子都是独特的,有自己的需要、喜好和才能。Ben's case is not unique but one of several I have come up against during the past few years.本的案子并不特殊,我在过去的几年中也碰到了几起这样的案子。Both King and Gandhi were tremendously brave men whose unique form of courage left a lasting imprint on their nations' histories.金和甘地都是勇敢无畏的人,他们独一无二的勇气在他们各自国家的历史上留下了深远影响。The beauty of the city consists in the unique style of its buildings.这座城市的美在于它建筑物的独特风格。The uncovering of the buried town gives us a unique glimpse of the past.对这个埋在地下的城镇的挖掘让我们对过去有了一点儿特别的认识。I'd recognize your handwriting anywhere - it's unique.无论在哪儿,我都能认出你的笔迹——它太与众不同了。Each unique plate is handpainted and one of a kind.每个漂亮的盘子都由手工绘制,是独一无二的。Our fingers bear skin patterns that are unique to each individual.我们每个人手指上面的皮肤纹路都是独一无二的。The unique charm of our suburbs will be destroyed as the cancerous sprawl of houses spreads.随着杂乱无章的住房不断扩展,我们郊区的独特魅力会被破坏。He's got a unique sound.他有自己独特的音乐风格。They played a truly unique kind of punk rock.他们演奏了一种真正独一无二的朋克摇滚。We know that all human individuals are unique.我们知道所有人类个体都是独一无二的。The trip offers you a unique opportunity to experience the culture of the remote hill tribes of the north.这趟旅游使你有独一无二的机会体验一下北方偏远山区部落的文化。He was proud of his son's remarkable, nay, unique performance.他为儿子出色的,不,应该是独一无二的表演感到骄傲。Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product.就立场和观点来说,它们从未真正做到树立起自己独具一格的视角。Chinese Kungfu is a unique material culture heritage.中国功夫是独特的物质文化遗产。None of these social problems is unique to this country.这些社会问题没有一个是这个国家所独有的。The designs used in the indigenous arts and crafts of this tribe are unique.这个部落自己生产的工艺品的设计很独特。They have created a unique mix of sounds.他们新创了一种独特的声音组合。It will be a unique family occasion.这将是一次特别的家庭聚会。The event was unique in bringing together politicians, business leaders, and academics.这个活动使政治家、商界领袖和学者聚集到一起,实属难得。The examples are unique to this dictionary.这些例证为这本字典独有。These tumors are unique because some of them dedifferentiate into benign tumors.这些肿瘤十分独特,因为其中一些可以去分化成为良性肿瘤。His style is almost hermetically unique.他的风格可以说是独树一帜。The shape of each and every snowflake is unique.每片雪花的形状都是独一无二的。Photographer Darren Kidd captured the unique atmosphere of the event.摄影师达伦・基德捕捉到了事件的独特气氛。The dishes he produces all have his unique touch.他做的菜都有他独特的风格。Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory.每一件艺术品都是绘在象牙上的精美绝伦的真人肖像,都是独一无二的。This latest study explores stress from a unique perspective.这项最新研究通过一个独特的视角探讨压力。Nowhere did we suggest that this yacht's features were unique.我们压根没讲过这艘游艇的特色是独一无二的。Although such a case is rare, it is by no means unique.这种情况很罕见,但并非绝无仅有。The valley has its own unique microclimate.这山谷有它独特的气候。The function of advertising is to create a unique image for your company.广告的作用是为公司树立一个独特的形象。This wine possesses a unique quality.这种酒独具特色。The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code.因为琼斯先生不受一般的治安条例法规约束,所以专门设立了特别法庭。This monkey is unique to the island.这种猴子为该岛所独有。The book is certainly very rare, and possibly unique.这本书确实少见,也许是唯一的一本。The band had their own unique sound.这个乐队有其独特的演奏风格。Each set of genes is unique to the individual.每一组基因都是各人特有的。




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