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词汇 unions
例句 The government tried to lay the blame at the door of the unions.政府企图把责任推给工会。All unions have been declared illegal by the ruling party.所有工会都被该执政党宣布为非法。Since the law was changed, the number of credit unions has grown tremendously.法律修改了之后,信贷互助会的数量大大增加。This decree obliges unions to delay strikes.该法令迫使工会推迟罢工。The decision led to a bitter conflict between the management and unions.这一决定引起了资方和工会的严重冲突。The proposals met with fierce opposition from women's groups and labour unions.这些提案遭到女性团体及工会的激烈反对。They poached members from other unions.他们从其他工会挖走成员。They want to cement a good working relationship between the government and trade unions.他们想要加强政府和工会之间良好的工作关系。Mr King delivered a clear warning to the unions.金先生向各公会发出明确警告。The dispute was regarded as a trial of strength by the unions.这场争论被工会看作是实力的较量。The unions blasted him for failing to cut unemployment.工会严厉批评他没有能减少失业人数。The ideological make-up of the unions is now radically different from what it had been.工会的思想观念与过去截然不同。We should initiate talks with the unions.我们应该发起同工会的谈判了。The trade unions suffered brutal repression after the coup.政变后工会遭到了残酷镇压。Most of the people questioned thought that unions should not get involved in party politics.大部分被调查的人认为工会不应介入党派政治。Management have called a joint meeting with staff and unions.资方召集了与员工和工会的联席会议。The government's proposals have been strongly criticized by labor unions.政府的提案遭到了工会的强烈批评。The unions tried to secure a bigger slice of the cake of economic prosperity for the working populations.工会试图为工人们争取更多的由经济繁荣所带来的利益。The teachers' unions are gunning for him.教师工会在找他的麻烦。The Government will not allow the staff association to affiliate with outside unions.政府不会允许其公务员协会与外部工会有紧密联系。The trade unions were no longer the constituency of the Labour Party alone.工会不再单单支持工党。Management and unions have agreed a new deal on pay and productivity.管理层和工会已就报酬和生产效率达成新的协议。He is eager to help mend fences between management and unions.他急于促使管理层和工会改善关系。The trade unions continued to keep up pressure for higher wages.工会继续施压,要求提高工资。Cohabiting couples would regularise their unions, they said.他们说,同居情侣会让他们的结合合法化。The trade unions were afraid that the government would carry a big stick over them.工会担心政府会对他们采取强硬手段。 It ruined their relations with the unions.它破坏了他们与工会的关系。We would hope to be able to give a considered response to the unions' proposals by the end of the year.对于工会的提议,我们希望能在年底之前给出一个成熟的答复。Right wing groups are determined to dilute the influence of the trade unions.右翼团体决心要削弱工会的影响力。Trade unions are regarding the poll as a test of the public's confidence in the government.工会将此次民意调查当作测试民众对政府信心的一种方式。He described it as dynamite and said the unions would be angry.他称其为爆炸性消息,还说各工会一定会大为光火。Civil partnerships or gay unions are now legal in Britain.民事结合或同性婚姻现在在英国是合法的。The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions.二把手对疏远与工会之间关系一事态度谨慎。Well-financed unions always provide strike benefits covering the minimum cost of living.经费来源充裕的工会常发给罢工工人以维持最低生活的津贴。Ten years ago I began researching into the role of women in trade unions.十年前我开始研究妇女在工会里的地位。Most unions see privatisation as an inevitable prelude to job losses.大多数工会认为私有化会不可避免地导致失业。The new industrial relations legislation curbed the power of the unions.新的劳资关系法规限制了工会的权力。The government succeeded in breaking the unions.政府成功地瓦解了工会。There is always a contest between the management and the unions.管理层与工会之间总是有矛盾的。The Prime Minister managed to tame the trade unions.首相设法掌控了工会。




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