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词汇 chocolate
例句 When the biscuits are cool, brush them with melted chocolate.等饼干凉了以后,涂上融化的巧克力。The fruit is covered in / with a thick coating of chocolate.水果外面裹着一层厚厚的巧克力。She is fond of chocolate.她喜欢吃巧克力。I sipped the hot chocolate she had made.我小口喝着她调制的巧克力热饮。He eats chocolate fudge on Sundays.他每个星期天一定吃巧克力软糖。TV advertisements seduce people into buying a particular kind of chocolate bar, washing powder or car.电视广告引诱人们购买某种巧克力棒、洗衣粉或者汽车。He gave us vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce on top.他给了我们顶部涂有巧克力酱的香草冰激凌。I'm a chocolate/shopping addict.我是个吃巧克力成瘾的人/购物狂。She had a craving for some chocolate.她很想吃点巧克力。The chocolate cake was tempting but I couldn't have any because of my diet.那巧克力蛋糕很诱人,但我在节食,所以一点都不能吃。You can use cocoa powder to make the cake rather than chocolate - it's a bit of a cheat, but nobody notices the difference.你可以用可可粉而不是巧克力做蛋糕——这有点骗人,可是没人会注意到其中的差别。The chocolate sat invitingly on his desk.巧克力放在他桌上,令人垂涎。He usually orders strawberry ice cream but opted for chocolate this time.他通常点的都是草莓冰激凌,不过这次他选了巧克力的。He has a great partiality for chocolate biscuits.他对巧克力饼干极其偏爱。First, peel the fruit. Next, prepare a chocolate sauce.首先将水果去皮。接着准备一份巧克力沙司。I offered him some chocolate, and he ate the whole lot.我请他吃巧克力,结果他全吃了。He gave the children some chocolate to reward them for behaving well.他给孩子们一些巧克力,奖励他们表现好。He gulped the chocolate down in one bite.他一口吞下了巧克力。The chocolate had a missing corner nibbled away by little teeth.这块巧克力有一个被小牙齿咬掉的缺角。These chocolate bars could be fatal for anyone who has a nut allergy.这些巧克力棒对坚果过敏者而言可能是致命的。He helped Amanda to mix the chocolate cake.他帮助阿曼达将各种配料调在一起做巧克力蛋糕。When it comes to chocolate, I lose all self-control. 一碰到巧克力我就控制不住自己。A whole day without chocolate must be torture for you.一整天没巧克力吃肯定让你很难受。I munched on a chocolate biscuit as I waited.我在等候时大嚼巧克力饼干。This chocolate mousse is too rich for me.这种巧克力奶油冻对我来说太油腻了。I can't resist chocolate cakes.我看见巧克力蛋糕就要吃。Claire showed us how to make a chocolate roulade.克莱尔给我们示范了如何做巧克力卷。She bought a chocolate/candy bar.她买了一块巧克力/糖。Carob is sometimes used in sweet foods as a healthier alternative to chocolate.角豆荚有时代替巧克力用在甜食中,比巧克力更有益健康。My dog's unusually fond of chocolate.我的狗非常爱吃巧克力。The chocolate mousse was smooth and creamy.巧克力奶油冻光滑细腻。I've always had a fondness for chocolate.我一直很爱吃巧克力。Spread the melted chocolate thinly over the cake.把融化的巧克力薄薄地涂在蛋糕上。They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies.他们填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。Wipe your mouth. You've got chocolate all over it.把你的嘴巴擦干净,你嘴边都是巧克力。She munched happily on her chocolate bar.她高兴地嚼着巧克力。This is undoubtedly the cooking chocolate par excellence.这无疑是烹调用巧克力中的精品。My dentist told me I shouldn't eat so much chocolate.牙医说我不应该吃那么多的巧克力。Here, have a chocolate.来,吃块巧克力糖。He says he bought all that chocolate for his daughter, not himself. A likely story!他说巧克力都是给女儿买的,不是给自己买的。鬼才信呢!




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