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词汇 to hand
例句 It has come to my notice that the student has failed to hand in his homework for two weeks.我已经注意到这个学生已两星期没交作业了。You may want to keep this brochure safe, so you have it to hand whenever you may need it.你应该保管好这份手册,这样随时想用都能马上在手边找到。Reg took it upon himself to hand the press a list of names.雷吉自作主张给了媒体一份名单。He suddenly produced a gun and told the cashier to hand over all the money.他突然亮出枪,命令收银员交出所有现金。When he refused to hand over the money, the robbers threatened to blow his brains out.他拒绝把钱交出来,抢劫者就威胁要开枪打得他脑袋开花。The robbers forced them to hand over the money.劫匪强迫他们交出钱。You've got to hand it to Melissa, she certainly gets around.你不得不佩服梅利莎,她到哪里都吃得开。Joe tossed the ball from hand to hand, then dropped it.乔双手抛球,然后球掉了。The princess plans to hand out gifts at a children's hospital tomorrow.王妃计划明天到一家儿童医院去分发礼物。I've got to hand it to you. You did a great job planning the party.我必须夸你几句。你这次聚会安排得真不错。She held on to hand rails to keep herself steady.她抓紧扶手使自己站稳。It was only after many legal battles that he agreed to hand over the farm.只有在经历了多次法庭争辩之后,他才答应交出农场。The book passed from hand to hand.大家在传阅这本书。She ran after me to hand me some papers I'd dropped.她在后面追我,把我掉的一些文件交给我。He had an answer ready to hand.他有现成的答案。He took a saxophone from the Salvation Army but was caught and had to hand it back.他从救世军那里拿了一支萨克斯管,但却被抓住了,只得将其交还。She refused to hand over her money, whereupon there was a fight.她拒绝交出她的钱,于是发生了争吵。By threatening to hand in her resignation, she was dicing with disaster.她扬言要递交辞呈,这是在冒灾难性的风险。He was kicked off the course for failing to hand in any work.由于什么作业都没交,他被取消了修读那门课的资格。I shall be glad to hand this job over.我会很高兴地移交这项工作。The photos were passed from hand to hand and generally admired.大家传看着照片,纷纷发出赞叹声。They would like to hand over their financial affairs to another body.他们想把自己的财务移交给另一个机构管理。She is expected soon to hand down a ruling.估计她很快会宣布裁决结果。The government has promised to hand investors back their money.政府允诺归还投资者钱款。My advice to anyone who finds anything on a bus is to hand it in to the police.我的建议是,在公共汽车上不管捡到什么东西都上交给警察。The couple were made to hand over all their money and jewellery.这对夫妇被逼交出所有的钱和珠宝。The teacher reminded us to hand in our compositions at the end of class.老师提醒我们下课时交作文。He seized hold of the first weapon that came to hand.他抓住能拿到手的第一件武器。She wanted to hand the petition to the president personally.她想亲手把请愿书交给总统。He failed to hand in his term paper, so he got an incomplete for the course.他没能交学期论文,所以这门课被记为未完成。They agreed to hand over their hostages.他们同意移交人质。Photos were passed from hand to hand.照片被传来传去。Use whatever tools come to hand.利用手头现有的任何工具。The attacker was ordered to hand over his weapon.袭击者被勒令交出武器。I don't seem to have my book to hand.我的书好像不在手边。I keep essential items to hand when I fly.我坐飞机的时候必需品都带在手边。They fought them off with any weapons that came to hand.他们抄起手边的家伙把他们击退。All the hostages were forced to hand over their passports.所有人质都被迫交出护照。I need some volunteers to hand programs out tonight.我需要几个志愿者在今天晚上分发节目单。Keep a telephone pad and a pen to hand.手边准备一本电话记事簿和一支笔。




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