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词汇 to guess
例句 She gave the present a quick squeeze and tried to guess what was inside.她捏了捏礼物,想猜猜里面是什么。She was shrewd enough to guess who was responsible.她很精明,一猜就知道谁是负责的。It does not take great imagination to guess what happened next.随后发生的事情不难想象。It's hard to guess his age because he dyes his hair.很难猜测他的年龄,因为他染了头发。How do you expect me to guess what you're thinking?我怎么可能猜出你在想什么?From their behaviour it was easy to guess that they were married.从他们的行为很容易猜出他们已经结婚了。It's not hard to guess where they went.不难猜到他们去了哪里。I have to guess at what he's feeling, he never tells me.我不得不猜测他的感受,他从不告诉我。I had to guess what size she was, but fortunately the dress was a good fit.我只好猜她的尺寸大小,幸亏这件连衣裙正合适。The way you solve mono-alphabetic ciphers is never by trying to guess the key.破解单表置换密码的方法绝对不会是尝试猜测密钥。It's difficult to guess what they will conclude from the evidence.很难猜到他们会从这个证据中得出什么结论。I tried to guess her age but couldn't.我试图猜出她的年龄,但猜不出来。I didn't know the answer, so I had to guess.我不知道答案,所以只好猜了。It was difficult to guess his age.很难猜出他的年纪。It was easy to guess the identity of the thief.小偷的身份很容易推测。The artist pored over every drawing,trying to guess who drew each one.这位艺术家仔细地研究了每一幅画,极力想猜出每幅画的作者。We had fun trying to guess who Mike's new girlfriend was.我们大家闹着玩,猜迈克的新女朋友是谁。I didn't know all the answers so I just had to guess some of them.答案我不是全部都知道,所以有些我只能猜了。In this exercise, a word is blanked out and you have to guess what it is by looking at the context.在这个练习中,有一个单词被抽去了,你必须根据上下文猜测这个单词是什么。She asked me to guess her age.她让我猜她的年龄。You're not gonna tell me, are you? Do I have to guess, then?.你不打算告诉我,是吧?那么,我只好猜猜了?I had to guess at the size of the batteries.我不得不估计一下电池是几号的。I wouldn't dare to guess at her age.我猜不透她的年龄。It took him ages to guess who it was in the photo.他费了很长时间才猜出照片里的人是谁。It took us a while to guess the answer to the riddle.我们没花多长时间就猜中了谜语的答案。In the game of charades, one player uses pantomime to represent a word or phrase that the other players have to try to guess.在哑谜猜字游戏中,一名选手用动作或表情表达词或短语,另一个选手猜。Ask the children to guess what's in each container by dipping their hands in.让孩子们伸手进去摸摸,猜猜每个容器里面是什么。




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