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词汇 to halt
例句 We are failing to halt the destruction of the rainforest.我们未能制止对热带雨林的破坏。His lawyers have intensified their efforts to halt his execution.他的律师们加紧努力以阻止对他的处决。None of the moves to halt inflation has been successful.抑制通货膨胀的措施无一奏效。Safety concerns have led them to halt work on the dam.出于安全方面的担心,他们已经停止水坝的施工。He criticised the government for failing to halt economic decline.他批评政府未能遏制经济下滑。The activists were shot when they refused to obey an order to halt.这些激进分子因拒不服从停止前进的命令而被击毙。They installed cameras to halt a spate of shoplifting.他们安装了摄像头,以遏制接二连三发生的商店行窃行为。The government is determined to halt the trade in illegal animal furs.政府决心停止非法的动物毛皮交易。He was told to halt the embarkation of troops.他被告知暂停部队登船。She held her hand out to halt him.她伸出手想拦住他。They voted to halt expansion of the shopping mall.他们投票阻止那家购物中心扩建。The rider has to halt the horse in the arena.骑手不得不在赛场上让马停下来。The judge has the authority to halt the trial.法官有权中止审判。Civil rights lawyers tried to halt the deportations.民权律师试图阻止这些驱逐行为。All his efforts had failed to halt the increase in street crime.他的种种努力都未能阻止街头犯罪的增长。The government moved to halt inflation.政府采取措施抑制通货膨胀。A police officer appeared as if from nowhere and ordered us to halt.一个警察不知从哪儿冒了出来,命令我们停下。Civil-rights lawyers tried to halt the deportations.民权律师试图阻止这些驱逐行为。The government has failed to halt economic decline.政府没能阻止经济衰退。What was needed was decisive action to halt these savage crimes.当务之急是要果断采取行动,来制止这些野蛮罪行。The reforms are intended to halt political patronage and corruption.改革旨在终结政治扶植和腐败。She held her hand out flat, to halt him.她平伸出一只手掌,要挡住他。




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