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词汇 形势
例句 There are things you can do to stack the odds in your favor. 你有办法使形势对自己有利。Clearly some investors do not concur with his dismal analysis of the situation.显然一些投资者不赞同他对形势的悲观分析。He is able to fully comprehend what is happening and react appropriately.他能够充分理解当前的形势,并做出恰当的反应。The situation is deteriorating in the embattled northwest of the country.这个国家西北部的被围困的形势正在恶化。The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势He tried to be realistic about the situation.他看待形势尽量保持实事求是。At last he woke to the situation.他终于看清了形势Things are slowly getting better.形势正慢慢有所好转。They seem to be quite pleased with the current/present state of affairs. 他们似乎对目前的形势很满意。Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike.沙库尔丧失了对形势仅存的一点判断,无论对敌对友都开始大加挞伐。It's extraordinary that he left without making a public statement about the situation.他没有发表关于形势的公开声明就走了,真是反常。Only an act of Congress could rectify the situation.只有国会法案才能矫正这种形势The game is poised on a knife-edge. One mistake or one piece of good luck could decide it.比赛形势扑朔迷离。一个失误或是一点运气就有可能决定胜负。The odds are stacked against you. 形势对你不利。Little over a year ago, things looked very rosy for the Social Democrats.一年多以前,社会民主党人的形势看起来一片大好。I've reassessed the situation and decided to stay.我重新估计了形势后决定留下来。Following is an analysis of the situation as of this date.到今天为止的形势分析如下。Things seemed to be going badly until NATO forces came to their defence.形势似乎趋向恶化,直至北约部队来保卫了他们。Time won't improve the situation.形势不会因时间而有所改善。The dice are loaded in their favour.形势对他们有利。They are unprepared to accept the real reasons for their domestic and foreign situation.他们不愿意接受造成这种国内外形势的真实原因。But surely this puts a different complexion on things.但是这必然会使形势有所改观。I stepped back and analysed the situation.我抽身出来,从局外人的角度分析了形势She gave some shocking examples to underline the seriousness of the situation.她举了一些令人震惊的例子以强调形势的严峻。The situation along the border is potentially explosive.边境的形势潜藏着一触即发的可能性。She summed up the situation quickly and took charge.她很快对形势作出判断并开始主持工作。If you think there's something wrong about the situation, you should trust your intuition.如果你感觉形势不妙,你应该相信自己的直觉。The American declaration of war in 1917 turned/tipped the scales against Germany.一九一七年美国宣战,扭转了对德之战的形势The situation was very serious indeed, even if the government tried to pretend otherwise.形势确实已很严峻,尽管政府试图装作情况并非如此。He, among other things, talked about the present situation.除了别的话,他还谈了当前的形势We need to exploit this opportunity/situation.我们要利用这个机会/形势Things could be a good deal worse. 形势可能会糟糕得多。We expect to be in a good position for the upturn when it comes.我们希望能在形势转好时处于优势地位。The situation in the region's poorest country remains volatile and highly unpredictable.该地区最贫困的国家的形势依然多变,很难预测。We made a just assessment of the situation.我们对形势作了正确的估价。I think she misread the situation.我想她是错误地估计了形势In the present climate, owners are hanging on to old ships.在目前的形势下,船东们都不愿淘汰掉旧船。In a situation like this, it's the big companies who hold all the aces.在这种形势下,占尽优势的是那些大公司。The advent of war led to a greater austerity.战争的到来使形势更为严峻。Try to see the situation from my point of view.尝试从我的角度看形势




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