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词汇 解决办法
例句 Neat solutions are not always found in these situations.在这些情况下,不是总能找到巧妙的解决办法It would be idle to look for a solution at this stage.在现阶段想寻找一个解决办法是徒劳的。The solution proposed is the injection of public funds.提出的解决办法是投入公积金。The solution to this problem is not immediately obvious.这个问题的解决办法不是显而易见的。The solution struck me immediately.我立刻想到这个解决办法He offered a very different solution.他提出一个截然不同的解决办法Upgrading your computer seems the ideal solution.将你的计算机升级似乎是个理想的解决办法I can trust you to come up with a practical solution to the problem.我相信你能想出一个针对该问题切实可行的解决办法We sought in vain for a solution.我们想找个解决办法,却是徒劳无功。The government was sincere about reaching a settlement.政府真心愿意达成一项解决办法She suggested a number of creative solutions to the housing crisis.针对住房危机,她提出了诸多创造性的解决办法I was just about to give up when the solution hit me.我正想放弃时,突然想到一个解决办法If you can't afford a decorator, the obvious answer is to do it yourself.你如果请不起装潢工,明摆着的解决办法就是你自己动手。There is no simple solution to the country's drug problem.这个国家的毒品问题没有简单易行的解决办法The solution is simple/obvious: you need to spend less money.解决办法很简单/明显:你得少花钱。None of the solutions was entirely satisfactory.这些解决办法没有一个是让人感到完全满意的。A possible solution would be to impose delayed disclosure.定时的公开是一种解决办法We have reached an amicable settlement of the dispute.我们就此争端达成了友好的解决办法The solution was staring me in the face.解决办法就明摆在我面前。We need to work out a solution to this problem.我们需要想出这个问题的解决办法He groped for solutions to the problems facing the country.他在探求国家所面临问题的解决办法They tend to throw money at problems without trying to work out the best solution.他们往往遇到困难就大把花钱,而不是尽力去找出最好的解决办法Many were skeptical about this solution.许多人对这一解决办法表示怀疑。Ask Dad. He might be able to think of a solution.去问爸爸,他可能会想出个解决办法There is no easy answer to the problem.这个问题没有简单的解决办法Shortening the decision-making process would provide one solution.缩短决策过程会是一个解决办法The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition.通常的解决办法就是派步兵去肃清残余抵抗。We must work through the difficulties until we find an answer.我们必须克服种种困难找到解决办法There are no easy or painless solutions to the problem.这个问题没有轻松便捷的解决办法We are reasonably sure this is the best solution.我们相当肯定这是最好的解决办法The solution of social and political ills lay in a moral presto chango.社会和政治弊端在道德发生奇迹般的突变中才能找到解决办法Some people think cars should be banned from the city, but I don't think that's the answer.有些人认为城市里应当禁止汽车,我觉得那不是解决办法I am confident a solution can be found.我有信心会找到解决办法Neither of these extremist solutions seemed very popular with the voters.这两个过激的解决办法似乎没有一个受到选民欢迎。A solution began to form in her mind.她想到了一个解决办法Drastic situations require drastic measures.极端的情况需要采取极端的解决办法The obvious answer would be to cancel the party.明摆着的解决办法就是取消这次聚会。They'll have to put aside their political differences and find a solution.他们将不得不抛开政治上的差异,找到一个解决办法Peace in the region remained the goal, but a permanent solution still seemed out of reach.这一地区的和平仍是努力的目标,但永久性的解决办法似乎仍难以找到。Congress is trying to avoid quick-fix solutions.议会尽力避免采用权宜的解决办法




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