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词汇 解决方案
例句 A final settlement must respect minority rights.最终的解决方案必须尊重少数群体的权利。It is best to try to seek a compromise rather than a perfect solution.最好是尽量寻求一种折中办法,而不是完美的解决方案Hopefully a satisfactory solution can be reached without much blood letting.有望在不引起严重内讧的情况下达成一个满意的解决方案Negotiators have reached a dead end in their attempts to find a peaceful solution.谈判者希望找到和平解决方案的种种努力已化为泡影。Put your best foot forward and work on the assumption that there is an acceptable solution to every problem you are likely to face.要尽力而为,要相信你可能遇到的每一个问题都会有一个适当的解决方案Even granting that you may be right , I still think we need to consider other solutions.即使承认你是对的,我还是认为我们需要考虑其他的解决方案We and the Government must find a mutually acceptable solution to this issue.我们和政府必须针对这一问题找到双方均可接受的解决方案By tapping into the comprehensive property management skills in the group, we can create a tailored one-stop solution for the client.通过利用该小组全面的资产管理技能,我们能为客户量身定做一站式解决方案It's an imperfect solution to a difficult problem.对于一个棘手问题,这是个不完美的解决方案Attempts to reach a mutually agreed solution had failed.达成双方商定的解决方案的努力失败了。The settlement of the dispute was a sell-out, leaving the miners worse off than they were before.这场争议的解决方案出卖了矿工,使他们的处境比以前更加恶劣。It is important to keep alive the hope that a peace settlement might be found.重要的是对找到和平解决方案始终抱有希望。Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.双方都表示想努力为处于战乱中的该岛北部和东部地区寻求政治解决方案No solution is incontrovertibly right.没有什么解决方案是百分之百正确的。We're unlikely to find an all-encompassing solution.我们不可能找到一个万全的解决方案It is only an Elastoplast solution to a far greater constitutional problem.对于一个非常严重的宪法问题来说,这只是个暂时的解决方案There are no easy solutions to this problem.这个问题没有简单的解决方案Neither solution seemed satisfactory.两个解决方案似乎都不合适。The Australian government's answer to the problem has been to throw money at it.澳大利亚政府对这个问题的解决方案一直就是大把往里扔钱。Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions.工程师们花费很多时间和精力来开发完美的解决方案Any attempts to impose a solution would be quite likely to meet with even more violence.试图强制推行解决方案很有可能会招致更严重的暴力行为。No amount of flannel could disguise that this was, at best, a minimalist solution.说多少废话都无法掩饰这最多只是一个极简主义的解决方案She counselled them not to accept this settlement.她建议他们不要接受这个解决方案They worked quickly to cobble up a temporary solution.他们迅速拼凑了一个临时解决方案We need long-term solutions as well as short-term emergency relief.我们既需要短期的紧急救援物资,也需要长久的解决方案Interestingly, it is not clear which solution the prime minister favors.耐人寻味的是,现在还不清楚首相支持哪个解决方案This discussion has renewed my hope of finding a solution to the problem.这次讨论让我重新获得了找到问题解决方案的希望。The government expressed hope that all the sides will work towards a political solution.政府表示希望各方共同努力,制订出政治解决方案The company is intransigent and rejects any notion of a settlement.该公司很顽固,拒绝考虑任何解决方案Farrar let it be known that he saw nothing wrong with the proposed solutions.法勒已公开表示,他认为所提出的解决方案没有问题。We're trying to find a solution that will be acceptable to everyone.我们正努力寻求一个能被所有人接受的解决方案The current approach isn't working. I think we need a new plan of attack. 目前的方法行不通。我想我们需要一个新的解决方案Baker retained the prerogative to craft solutions himself.贝克把构思解决方案的特权留给自己。They continue their groping towards a constitutional settlement.他们继续寻求合乎宪法规定的解决方案His speech contained no practical solutions, just the pious hope that the war would end soon.他的演讲没有涉及实际的解决方案,只是不切实际地憧憬战争会早日结束。They've been close-mouthed about the settlement.他们对解决方案一直守口如瓶。They want to discourage pay settlements over the norm.他们想阻止推行超过正常标准的工资解决方案This weapons system is an affordable, hi-tech solution.这一武器系统提供了一种价格合理的高科技解决方案We need to understand these problems more fully before we can find a solution to them.在找到解决方案之前,我们需要更加全面地了解这些问题。Researchers are close to finding a solution, but they haven't found the final pieces of the puzzle.研究者马上就要找到解决方案了,但还有最后一道难关。




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