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词汇 解决不了
例句 The cleaning-up operation after the oil spill will be difficult but not insoluble.泄油事件的善后清理工作很困难,但也不是解决不了的。I can't seem to solve the problem. 我好像解决不了这个问题。The problem cannot be solved by throwing money at it.这个问题花钱是解决不了的。Critics of the scheme have said that it will not solve the problem of teenage crime.此项计划的批评者说它解决不了青少年犯罪问题。Just cool it everyone, fighting won't solve anything.大家冷静,打架解决不了任何问题。Drinking himself into oblivion won't solve any of his problems.把他自己喝得酩酊大醉解决不了任何问题。Calm down Robyn. Getting hysterical will do no good.罗宾,你要冷静。歇斯底里解决不了问题。Either you're part of the solution or part of the problem.你如果解决不了问题,就是在制造问题。Drinking won't cure any of your problems.喝酒解决不了你的任何问题。Your proposals won't fix anything.你的提议解决不了任何问题。The new speed limit does not solve the problem, but it is a step in the right direction.新的限速规定虽然解决不了问题,但毕竟朝正确的方向迈出了一步。The problem is not unsolvable.这个问题不是解决不了的。None of us worked it out, though it was as plain as a pikestaff when you thought about it.想想是一清二楚,可是我们谁也解决不了Failing to tackle the problem would be throwing away an opportunity.解决不了这个问题就是在浪费机会。Where negotiation fails, they must fall back on the law.谈判解决不了的,他们就必须依靠法律来解决。If you can't solve the problem, you should try out a different approach.如果你解决不了那个问题,就应当试试其他的方法。It's a problem I can't solve, and I don't think anyone else can either.这是个我无法解决的问题,而且我认为其他任何人也解决不了Any doctrinaire approach will never solve industry's problems.任何空谈理论的做法都绝对解决不了产业面临的问题。They suffer from the illusion that they cannot solve their problems.他们误以为他们解决不了自己的问题。The question could not be settled in abstracto.用抽象的观点解决不了这个问题。Sometimes there are problems that are too big for you to sort out on your own. That's when professional advice comes in useful.有时问题大得自己解决不了,这时候专家意见就有用了。These problems might not be solved by money alone, but they will assuredly not be solved without it.仅仅靠钱或许解决不了这些问题,但是没有钱肯定不能解决。




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