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例句 The guide cleared a path for us through the jungle.向导为我们开出了一条穿过丛林的小径。After consulting with her daughter and manager she decided to take on the part, on her terms.与女儿兼经纪人商量之后,她决定出演这一角色,不过要按照她开出的条件。We had a trail gouged out by a bulldozer.我们要人用推土机开出了一条小道。Trains to London emerge from a long tunnel.开往伦敦的列车开出了长长的隧道。Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay.利兹调好了后视镜,慢慢把车开出停车位。He will write Rachel a note and offer her a fair price for the land.他将给蕾切尔写一张便条,就那块土地开出合理的价格。These trees are valuable for autumn colour, fruits and flowers. Many have fragrance as an added bonus.这些树色彩缤纷,会结出果实或开出花朵,让秋天平添一分韵味。许多树还会散发芬芳。So the Giants punted, and there was just over two minutes left in the game.因此巨人队将球大脚开出,此时离比赛结束仅有两分钟多一点。The hotel runs a courtesy bus from the airport.这家酒店有免费巴士从机场开出Whatever is offered by the bank is unlikely to be improved on by any rival suitor.其他竞争收购方不大可能开出比这家银行更高的价码。Were the contracts that were offered to the players as derisory as we have been led to believe?合同里给球员开出的薪水真如想要我们相信的那样低得可笑吗?The drugs were prescribed without parental notification.药是在未告知父母的情况下开出的。This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely.这有助于新生发植株的成熟,令其开出繁茂的花朵。My train leaves in the forenoon.我乘的火车上午开出The roads were busy as we drove out of town, but after that it was plain sailing.我们开出市区时路上很拥挤,再往后就一路顺畅。She released the handbrake and swung the vehicle out of the yard and onto the road.她松开手刹,一个急转弯将汽车开出院子,上了马路。He steered a path through the crowd.他从人群中开出一条路。I don't give out parking tickets because I like to - it's my duty.我可不是为自己高兴就开出停车罚款单的—这是我的职责。Buses leave at short intervals.公车不时地开出When the police eventually arrived, we made an inventory of the missing items.当警察最终到来的时候,我们已开出了遗失物品清单。Consult the timetable to see when the last train leaves.查一下时间表,看看末班火车什么时候开出We'd better shoot now before the trucks get out of range.我们最好现在射击,否则卡车要开出射程了。I'm interviewing now, and I'll accept the best offer I get.我正在进行面谈,我将接受开出条件最好的工作。Drive the automobile in reverse until you get out of the alley.倒开汽车直到你开出这条巷子。The company offers competitive wages and good benefits.这家公司开出的工资很有竞争力,福利也不错。Many plants, if they are disbudded, will produce larger, though fewer, flowers.许多植物如经除芽会开出较少但较大的花朵。They cleaved a path through the wilderness.他们在荒野中开出一条路。The teacher has made out a list of reference books.教师已开出了一份参考书单。The trains run at half-hourly intervals.火车每半小时开出一班。Buses run at hourly intervals.每小时有一班公共汽车开出The bus was due to depart at any moment.公共汽车马上就要开出It bears clusters of mauve flowers in early summer.初夏时节,它开出了一簇簇淡紫色的花。The hunters hewed a path through the jungle.猎手们在森林里开出了一条路。Only half of the eligible employees took up the offer.只有一半符合条件的员工接受了开出的条件。Huge fines were meted out as punishment.开出大额罚金作为惩罚。We got to the station just as the train was pulling out.我们到车站时,火车正要开出The trains from here are irregular.从这里开出的火车是无规律的。They charge exorbitant prices for their goods.他们给自己的商品开出了天价。The first goal originated from a free-kick deep inside Everton's half.第一粒进球源自于从埃弗顿队的后半场开出的任意球。We should be able to match their offer for the player.我们应该能为那位球员开出和他们相同的报价。




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