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词汇 过山车
例句 Her legs were/felt rubbery when she stepped off the roller coaster.过山车上下来后,她的双腿软弱无力。When the roller coaster stopped, she relaxed her grip on my hand.过山车停下后,她松开了我的手。I screamed my head off on the roller coaster.过山车上我大声尖叫。The roller-coaster ride gave me a rush. 我觉得坐过山车很刺激。The riders were getting whipped around on the roller coaster.乘客们被过山车带着迅速旋转。Her grip on my hand relaxed only after the roller coaster had come to a complete stop.直到过山车彻底停稳,她才松开了我的手。Harry, naturally, has to prove his machismo by going on the scariest rides twice.当然,哈里为了证明自己的男子汉气概,只得坐了两次最惊险的过山车Several people in the line for the rollercoaster gave up and left.有几个排队坐过山车的人放弃排队离开了。You haven't lived until you've ridden the new roller coaster.坐过这种新式的过山车你才算没有白活一场。You need a strong stomach to go on the giant roller coaster.要坐这个大型过山车,你得有个强健的胃才行。He's had a roller-coaster career. 他的事业有如过山车,时起时落。As the roller coaster turned upside down I shut my eyes and held on tight.过山车颠倒了过来,我闭上眼睛,抓得紧紧的。The Hulk roller coaster ride was epic.绿巨人过山车实在是太棒了。We rode the roller coaster five times.我们坐了五次过山车There was a small fairground just by the river, with a carousel, a roller coaster and a Ferris wheel.河边有一座小型露天游乐场,里面有旋转木马、过山车和摩天轮。The park had many amusements, including two roller coasters.公园有很多娱乐设施,其中包括两个过山车Eastwood's personal life has been an emotional rollercoaster.伊斯特伍德的个人生活是一辆感情上的过山车,历尽坎坷。His hat blew away on the roller coaster.他的帽子在过山车上被吹走了。Hooky, naturally, has to prove his machismo by going on the scariest rides twice.胡基自然要坐两次最恐怖的过山车来表现一下自己的男子汉气概了。The ride shot high up in the air and then plunged back down toward the earth.过山车冲上高处,继而又俯冲回来,落向地面。




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