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词汇 过度使用
例句 The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.整个食物链都因农业生产中化学品过度使用而受到影响。Proverbs and idioms may become worn with over-use.谚语和习语可能会因为过度使用而成为陈词滥调。The whole food chain is affected by the over use of chemicals in agriculture.整个食物链因农业中过度使用化学物质而受到影响。Inflammation of the epicondyle of the radius caused by overuse of the forearm is sometimes called tennis elbow.因为前臂的过度使用而引起的桡骨上髁发炎有时被称为网球肘。The whole food chain is affected by the overuse of chemicals in agriculture.农业生产中化学药品的过度使用使整个食物链都受到了影响。Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.女性有时候因为过度使用磨砂膏而损伤了皮肤。Overuse has drained the phrase of all meaning.这个短语因过度使用而失去了意义。They accused the police of using excessive force during the arrest.他们指控警察在逮捕时过度使用暴力。Years of heavy use have compacted the soil.几年的过度使用使土壤变得硬邦邦的。Don't overuse your nasal spray or drops, or further congestion could result.请勿过度使用鼻腔喷剂或滴剂,否则鼻塞可能会加重。They encourage living within your means/income and not using credit cards excessively.他们鼓励量入为出,不要过度使用信用卡。Athletes were often unaware they were fatiguing key muscles.运动员常常意识不到他们过度使用关键肌肉。




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