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词汇 chickens
例句 These chickens are good boilers.这些小鸡很适宜于煮食。A few scrawny chickens were searching for scraps of food in the dry earth.几只瘦巴巴的小鸡正在干旱的土地上寻找食物的零屑。Take those chickens and fry the breasts in grease.把那几只鸡拿去,胸肉用油脂煎一煎。Getting an Oscar would be wonderful, but I think it's too early to count my chickens.能拿到奥斯卡奖那真是太好了,但是我想我现在考虑这事还太早了些。Lionel built a chicken coop so that they could raise chickens and have their own supply of fresh eggs.莱昂内尔搭了一个鸡舍,这样他们就能养鸡,有新鲜的鸡蛋吃了。Such treatment will prod chickens into higher egg production.这种处理会刺激母鸡增加产蛋量。We keep chickens and a couple of pigs.我们养了一些鸡和几头猪。Free-range chickens have happy lives.放养的鸡活得快活。He raises chickens on his farm.他在自己的农场养鸡。The chickens are roasted on a spit.鸡肉放在烤肉叉上烤着。Peter fought his way through a blizzard to save one of the chickens.彼得为了救其中一只鸡在暴风雪中艰难前行。The chickens were running loose in the yard.几只鸡在院子里乱跑。As a child, I loved to chase the chickens barefoot round the yard.小时候,我喜欢光着脚丫在院子里追赶小鸡。If you want to go on a date sometime, you can ask me. But don't count your chickens.如果你什么时候想约我出去玩玩,那就来约我,但是也不要有太大的指望。I don't want to count my chickens before they are hatched.我不想高兴得太早。The chickens are able to roam around freely in the farmyard.鸡群可以在农家宅院里自由自在地走动。Politicians can fool some people some of the time, but in the end, the chickens will come home to roost.政客们有时能够愚弄一些人,但最终他们都会自食恶果。There are twelve chickens in this hatch.这一窝有十二只小鸡。Our garden is hedged in to keep the chickens out.我们的园子用篱笆围着防鸡进入。I have to feed the chickens and hoe the potatoes.我得喂鸡,还得为马铃薯锄草。We saw cows and chickens on the farm.我们在农场见到了牛和鸡。It's quite possible that you will get the job, but don't count your chickens before they are hatched.你很有可能得到这工作,但也别过早乐观。I wouldn't count your chickens, Mr Vass. I've agreed to sign the contract, but that's all.瓦斯先生,是你的话就不会高兴得这么早。我同意签合同了,但仅此而已。Uncle Bub described Union troops foraging, killing pigs and chickens, and stealing food.巴布叔叔描述说,联军发动袭击,杀死了猪和鸡,还偷走了粮食。As the fox came into the yard, the chickens began squawking in alarm.狐狸闯进院子时,鸡惊恐地开始咯咯大叫。Domestic chickens are descended from jungle fowl of Southeast Asia.家养鸡是由东南亚原鸡演变而来的。We kept chickens and goats when I was a child.我小的时候,我们家养鸡养羊。A few chickens were scratching around the yard.几只鸡在院子里到处刨。The squad went out on a forage and returned with several chickens.那班士兵出外搜寻食物,拿回来几只鸡。Some poultry farmers keep turkeys and ducks as well as chickens.一些饲养家禽的农民不仅养鸡,还养火鸡和鸭子。This method of slaughtering chickens is now regarded by many as inhumane.这种杀鸡方法现在被许多人认为是不人道的。I've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens.我给你带了些鸡蛋。我们养鸡。There is a well-established pecking order among chickens.鸡群中有稳固的啄序。Humans have domesticated dogs/cattle/chickens.人类已经驯化了狗/牛/鸡。After years of overspending, the chickens have come home to roost.年复一年地超支,现在终于尝到苦果了。Modern freezing techniques enable the chickens to be stored for weeks.现代冷冻技术可以使鸡肉储存数星期。She raises chickens in the yard.她在院子里养鸡。Lionel built a coop so that they could raise chickens and have a supply of fresh eggs.莱昂内尔做了个鸡笼,打算养些鸡,吃上新鲜鸡蛋。All our chickens are fed on corn.我们养的鸡喂的都是玉米。The conglomerate sells everything from chickens to rocket engines.这家联合大企业出售从鸡肉到火箭发动机各色货物。




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