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The water sluiced the parched fields.水浇灌干旱的田地。Pig numbers dropped away during the drought years.干旱年间,猪的存栏数逐渐减少。In fact many food crops failed because of the drought.实际上,因为干旱,很多粮食作物歉收。Somalia was again crippled by a drought that threatened to kill hundreds of thousands more.干旱再次席卷索马里,数十万人的生命危在旦夕。The entire country was affected by drought.全国都受到干旱影响。The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production.干旱使农业生产严重停滞。The film deals with the nomadic desert people of the Sahel, whose plight has worsened in the recent years of drought.这部电影讲述萨赫勒地区沙漠游牧民族的故事,近年的干旱使他们的困苦日益加深。The farmers suffered a severe drought and there was a consequent shortage of food in the markets.农民遭受严重的干旱,结果造成市场上食品匮乏。Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.去年反常的干旱天气使农业减产。The region is currently in the midst of a terrible drought.这一地区目前正遭遇严重干旱。After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low.遭受三年干旱后,该湖水位达到历史最低点。The drought has ended at last, and the reservoirs are filling up again.干旱终于过去了,水库又满了。These plants grow well in dry soil/a dry climate.这些植物适宜在干旱的土壤里/气候条件下生长。In fact, the panic is overdone. As the map shows, the drought has been confined to the south and east of Britain.事实上,人们有些过于恐慌。如地图所示,干旱仅限于英国的南部和东部地区。Because of the drought, thousands of people are now facing starvation.由于干旱,成千上万的人正面临饥饿。It was one of the driest and dustiest places in Africa.这是非洲最干旱、尘土最多的地区之一。It was the driest summer on record.那是有记录以来最干旱的夏天。The drought brought economic/financial ruin to local farmers.这场干旱给当地农民造成了严重经济损失。The camel's hump is of most advantage to it in conditions of drought.在干旱条件下,驼峰对骆驼好处极大。The soil is arid and infertile.这里的土壤干旱贫瘠。There is a danger that many homes will subside because of the drought.由于干旱,很多房子面临沉降的危险。The region is in the grip of severe drought.这一地区处于严重的干旱中。Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of drought and poor harvests.几百万人因干旱和歉收而受到饥饿的威胁。Soil erosion follows drought by a year or so.干旱之后一年左右就会出现土壤侵蚀。The dry summer has hurt the land.干旱的夏季给农田带来了危害。The drought caused the crops to fail. 干旱使得庄稼歉收。Much of Namibia is arid country and only fit for raising goats.纳米比亚有许多地方都很干旱,只适宜于饲养山羊。That was the year of the drought when the river practically dried up.那一年干旱,河流几乎都干涸了。The severe drought has endangered crops throughout the area.严重的干旱已危及整个地区的农作物。The degree of drought is largely a function of temperature and drainage.干旱程度很大程度上取决于气温和排水。The wind whirled the dust across the dry fields.风卷着尘土横扫过干旱的田野。The drought is threatening the water supply in some areas.干旱威胁着一些地区的用水供应。Large areas of Africa are affected by severe drought.非洲的大片区域受到严重干旱的影响。Because of drought the government closed the woodlands.政府因干旱封闭了林区。The dry summer has further increased the strain on water resources.干旱的夏季使水水资源紧张的情况进一步加剧。The path was dry and slithery from the drought.小路因干旱变得又干又滑。Hippos are uniquely vulnerable to drought.河马特别受不了干旱。The spring had been unusually dry.这个春天异乎寻常地干旱。The rain was a boon to parched crops.雨使干旱的庄稼受益无穷。The summer drought has dealt a heavy blow to the government's economic record.夏季的干旱已经对政府的经济业绩造成了沉重打击。 |