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词汇 asset
例句 The bank can seize the asset in the event of a default in payment.如果拖欠付款的话,银行可以没收该项资产。Scotland's mountain areas are a natural asset to be proud of.山区是苏格兰引以为傲的天然财富。Good looks can be an asset in an acting career.外貌好在演艺事业中可能是一种优势。The ability to motivate people is a priceless asset.能够激发人们的积极性是难能可贵的优点。Good health is a great asset.健康的身体是一笔极大的财富。Her experience will be an asset to the firm.她的经验将对公司有帮助。As a football player, his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner.作为一名足球运动员,他最大的优点是他在场上沉着冷静的风度。The ability to adapt is a definite asset in this job.适应能力是做这份工作的绝对有利条件。A sense of humour is an important asset for any teacher.对任何老师来说,幽默感都是一个重要的优点。His Republican credentials made him an asset.他作为共和党人的资历成了他的一笔财富。She will be an asset to any school she attends.她上哪所学校,都会是个难得的好苗子。From day one he's been a great asset to the company.从入职第一天开始,他就是公司难得的人才。The Prime Minister knows that his personal image is his greatest political asset.总理知道他的个人形象是他最重要的政治资产。Real estate an asset that increases in value with the passage of time.房地产是价值随时间增长的资产。I've long believed that a good reputation is the most valuable asset you can have in business.我一贯认为好声誉是经商最珍贵的资本。Youth is a tremendous asset in this job.在这种工作中,年轻是一个巨大的优势。A healthy smile is a natural asset to your appearance.健康的微笑是宝贵的,能使人容貌自然美。Her leadership qualities were the greatest asset of the Conservative Party.她的领导才能是保守党最宝贵的财富。Knowledge of languages is a real asset in this sort of work.做这项工作,通晓数种语言确实是一种优势。The teachers are the school's biggest asset.老师是学校最宝贵的财富。Jason, with his no-nonsense approach, has been an asset to the project.贾森办事干脆利落,对这个项目来说是个人才。I think Rachel would be an asset to the department.我认为雷切尔会是这个部门的财富。The brainpower of the staff constitutes the company's greatest asset.员工的智慧是公司最大的财产。Experience in this field is an asset.业内经验是宝贵财富。The profit or loss on the disposal of an asset must be accounted for.资产变卖的赢亏情况必须说明。Dana had always considered her looks her chief asset.达纳向来认为她的长相是自己的主要资本。Any player who is off form is unlikely to be an asset to the side.任何竞技状态不佳的运动员都不太可能成为队里的主力。His chief asset is his winning smile.他的主要优点是他动人的微笑。Like most homeowners, her house is her biggest capital asset.正如大多数房主一样,她的房子便是她最大的资产。A sense of humor is a great asset in this business.在这一行业中,幽默感是一大有利条件。We will also have to depreciate the asset.我们也将不得不把资产折旧。Laney continues to be a great asset to the company.莱尼依旧是公司十分难得的人才。Good looks can be an asset to an actor.外貌好对演员来说可能是一种优势。No matter what position he plays, he'll be a great asset to the team.无论他踢什么位置,都是我们球队的重要资产。He was a major asset to the company.他曾是公司的骨干。It will equate to net asset value minus transaction costs.它等于资产净值减去交易成本。The airline is a wasting asset.这家航空公司是个亏本企业。A wave is now surging into asset markets.资产市场中正在巨浪汹涌。Whether this is an asset or a liability remains open to debate.这究竟是财富还是累赘,仍然有待讨论。Our company thinks that he is an asset rather than a liability.我们公司认为,他是个资产而不是个累赘。




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