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词汇 assessment
例句 Employees are given an annual performance assessment/evaluation.每年都要对员工进行工作考核/评价。It's a difficult problem that requires careful assessment.这个问题有难度,需要认真评定。Some children require special assistance with literacy. If you believe this is the case, ask the school for a further assessment.一些孩子在读写方面需要特殊帮助。如果你认为你的孩子是这种情况,请要求学校作进一步的评估。The officers seemed to make only an impressionistic assessment.官员们好像是仅凭印象便作出了评估。He is currently focusing on assessment and development.他目前在关注评估和发展。He made a careful assessment of the situation.他对形势作了细致的评估。You will receive a follow-up visit from the person conducting the assessment.负责评估的人将会对你进行一次随访。Her assessment turned out to be remarkably accurate.结果证明她的评估非常准确。His assessment of the situation is based on sheer emotion, not reason.他对局势的估计纯粹是基于情感,而不是基于理性。The merit of the report is its realistic assessment of the changes required.这份报告的优点就是它对所要求的变动进行了实事求是的评估。Your assessment grossly oversimplifies the problem.你的估计把问题太过于简单化了。His assessment only serves to demonstrate the superficiality of the judgements we make when we first meet people.他的评价只能证明我们对人的第一印象是肤浅的。The book is a careful assessment of the president's achievements.这本书仔细评价了这位总裁的业绩。Most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous assessment, because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year.大部分学校现在都喜欢进行持续性评估,因为这样能够更加公正地反映出学生在整个学年内的表现。Heggie was remanded to a mental hospital for assessment by doctors.赫吉被押往一所精神病院接受医生检查。The new manager carried out an assessment of the sales department.新上任的经理对销售部进行了评估。How thorough is the assessment?这个评估详细到什么程度?The final chapter gives an assessment of various ideas and theories.最后一个章节对各种不同的观点和理论作了评述。Her assessment of the situation was right on.她对形势的判定是完全正确的These notes do not affect your right of appeal against any tax assessment.这些记录不会影响到你对征税估值的上诉权。The resulting assessment is necessarily partial and subjective.评估结果难免会有偏颇和带有主观性。The owners claimed the tax assessment on their house was too high.业主们声称征收的房产税过高了。Needs assessment is crucial if the hospital is to deliver effective health care.医院要提供有效的医疗保健,需求评估是关键。The document discusses the assessment of future senior managers.文件讨论了对未来高级经理的评估。We need a more sober assessment of the chances of ending this war.我们需要更加审慎地估计结束这场战争的可能性。The euphoria is giving way to a more sober assessment of the situation.兴高采烈的情绪不见了,取而代之的是对局面更为清醒的认识。Examination is by continuous assessment.考试采取持续测评的方式。The government is rejiggering some tax assessment methods.政府正在重新制定一些税收评估办法。I think your assessment of the current economic situation is pretty accurate.我认为你对当前经济形势的估计是相当准确的。Diagnosis was deferred pending further assessment.诊断等进一步评估后才能作出。The new assessment system could pinpoint areas for improvement within the company.新的评估系统能够准确指出公司哪些方面需要改进。The assessment center gives each applicant the opportunity to demonstrate whether they are suited to the work.评估中心给每一位应聘者一个机会证明自己是否合适做这个工作。I don't agree with his assessment of the problem.我不同意他对这个问题的看法。A lot of this work goes towards our final assessment.这项工作大部分将记入我们的最终业绩评定。An outsider can give a more objective assessment than a friend.外人比朋友更能作出客观的评价。There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。The tests are supposed to provide a basis for the assessment of children.这些测试应该可以为评价儿童提供一个基础。We made a just assessment of the situation.我们对形势作了正确的估价。The assessment of a student's work is often subjective.对学生作业的评判常带有主观色彩。I think it may take sometime before we can have an accurate assessment of the damage.我认为我们对损失作出准确的估算可能需要一段时间。




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