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词汇 assessing
例句 Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.标准的血压测量是评估患心脏病或中风风险的一个重要方法,但并不精确。The committee is assessing the standard of care in local hospitals.委员会正对当地医院的护理水准进行评估。This test provides an excellent way of assessing students’ progress.这项测试为评估学生的进度提供了一套非常有效的方法。The Government is assessing its procurement of sustainable timber.内阁正在对其可持续木材采购价值进行估算。Bear in mind the age of the vehicle when assessing its value.对车辆进行估价时要考虑到车龄。Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.标准的血压测量是评估患心脏病或中风几率的一个重要但不精确的方法。In assessing a fine, the commission said it would take into account all relevant circumstances.委员会称,确定处罚金额时,会考虑所有的相关情况。Her article asserts that hometown boosterism keeps people from assessing the crime problem accurately.她的文章指出,对家乡的狂热支持使得人们难以恰当地评价犯罪问题。Our correspondent has been assessing the impact of the sanctions.我们的记者一直在评估制裁带来的影响。This insect-bacteria bioindicator is a reliable tool for assessing environmental damage to the country's wetlands.这种昆虫-细菌生物指标是评估该国湿地环境破坏程度的可靠工具。The test has been widely used for assessing English proficiency.该测试已被广泛用于评估英语水平。It would be a matter of assessing whether she was well enough to travel.问题是要看她是否已康复到可以旅行。We've been developing a new methodology for assessing new products.我们一直在开发评估新产品的新方法。Exams are not the only means of assessing a student's ability.考试并不是评定学生能力的唯一手段。We are assessing the impact of the sanctions.我们正在对制裁的影响进行评估。




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