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词汇 常识
例句 Common sense must prevail in the end.常识终将获胜。Einstein had the chutzpah to discard common sense and long-established theory.爱因斯坦敢于抛弃常识和长期公认的理论。Anyone with half an ounce of horse sense should know ...稍有一点常识的人都应知道…There were startling vacuums in her store of common knowledge.她的常识贫乏得令人吃惊。She's highly intelligent and intellectual, but she's got no practical common sense.她非常聪明,也很有学识,但是缺少实用的常识It's not difficult to work out the answer - you just have to use your common sense.找出答案并不难,只需用用你的常识There can be no opposition between reason and common sense.情理与常识决不相悖。I hope that common sense will prevail.我希望常识将起作用。You really should go to see a doctor if your leg hurts that much. It's just common sense!你的腿要是疼得厉害,你就确实应该去看医生。这是常识You are not cognizant about the facts of life.你还不谙性生活的常识Common sense at last won the day.常识最终获胜。He doesn't have an ounce of common sense.他没有一点儿常识He lacked any of the practical common sense essential in management.管理方面基本的实用常识他一点也不懂。He hasn't even a modicum of common sense.他连一丁点儿常识都没有。His parents still clung to the misguided belief that his common sense would keep him out of serious trouble.他的父母还是坚持这个错的想法,以为他的常识会让他避开大的麻烦。He says Labour would govern with common sense and common decency.他表示,工党将以常识和常礼来治国。Common sense should tell you that people will find out sooner or later.常识应该知道人们迟早会发现的。I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end.我相信常识最终会获胜。Common sense tells me I should get more sleep.常识告诉我应该增加睡眠。She unites common sense and vision.她兼具常识与见识。Rest assured, he probably has rather more common sense than you realize.放心吧,他的常识很可能比你以为的要多。It seems contrary to common sense.这似乎违背了常识It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship.度假对任何恋爱关系都是重大考验,这是常识Let's use a little common sense here.让我们在此运用一点常识My sister had come in with her calm common sense and straightened them out.我姐姐凭着自己的镇定和常识帮着把这些问题都解决了。If he has an ounce of common sense, he'll realize that this project is bound to fail.要是他稍稍有一点儿常识,就会意识到这项计划注定要失败。He is very well-informed; that's why he won the general knowledge competition.他见识非常广博,所以他在常识竞赛中获胜。Eric didn't even have the common sense to send for a doctor.埃里克甚至连去请大夫的常识都没有。He says there are commonsense solutions to social problems.他说可以用常识解决社会问题。Have a grain of common sense,will you?用上一点点常识好吗?At what age should children be told the facts of life?孩子们应该在什么年龄了解有关性的常识Common sense suggests that such a bleak doctrine might lead to fatalism or hedonism.常识表明,如此苍白的学说可能会导致宿命论或享乐主义。Anyone with a grain of sense knows that she's lying.任何有点常识的人都知道她在说谎。Unfortunately, she hadn't got enough common sense to call the doctor.可惜她不具备足够的常识,不知道给医生打电话。He injected some earthy common sense into the debate.他给辩论注入了某种朴素的常识Use a bit of common sense!用点儿常识吧!She walked James through the basics of money management.她耐心地教詹姆斯理财常识Young people nowadays just don't have any horse sense.当今的年轻人就是没有半点常识We just need to exercise common sense.我们只需要运用一下常识Windsurfing is perfectly safe as long as you have/use some common sense.只要具备/运用些常识,帆板冲浪运动非常安全。




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