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词汇 身为
例句 We'll be looking at fatherhood issues from a personal perspective.我们将从个人角度审视身为人父的问题。Slave parents were forcibly separated from their children.身为奴隶的父母被迫与自己的孩子分离。As an RSPCA Inspector, I've dedicated my life to animals.身为皇家防止虐待动物协会督察员,我一生致力于动物保护事业。Older mothers tend to be too idealistic about the pleasures of motherhood.较年长的母亲往往会过于理想化地看待身为人母带来的快乐。She takes her responsibilities as a nurse very seriously.身为护士,她对自己的工作极为认真。The hotel prides itself on being a good employer that treats its staff well.这家旅馆以身为优待员工的好雇主而自豪。As a second lieutenant, he had to salute damned near everybody.身为少尉,他几乎是逢人便得敬礼。She concluded by saying she was proud to be from Salford.她结束时说身为索尔福德人,她感到很自豪。I have also begun to reassess my own feelings about being a woman.我也开始重新审视自己对身为女性的感受。I think there are many positive aspects to being a twin.我认为身为双胞胎有很多优势。The first lesson I learnt as a soldier was never to underestimate the enemy.身为一名士兵,我学到的第一课就是决不要轻视敌人。It's bad enough to have anyone joke about such a serious matter but a member of the police force should know better.拿这么严肃的事情开玩笑已经够糟的了,身为一名警察更不应该这样做。The daughter of a railway engineer, she had a somewhat nomadic childhood.身为一个铁路工程师的女儿,她最初的童年生活有些漂泊不定。As a U.S. senator, it is my responsibility to defend the Constitution.身为美国参议员,拥护美国宪法是我的职责。As a landowner, he was actively interested in agricultural improvements.身为土地所有者,他对农业方面的改良非常感兴趣。A nurse's life is not very glamorous.身为护士的生活并不那么令人向往。As a teacher, she drew on her knowledge of her own children.身为教师,她借用了从自己孩子身上得来的知识。This is one of the many problems faced by working mothers.这是身为职业妇女的母亲们面临的众多难题之一。Babies bring out the woman in her.婴儿唤起了她身为女人的柔情。I think there are many positive aspects to being a twin…我认为身为双胞胎中的一个有很多积极方面。What are your main concerns as a writer?身为作家,你最关心什么?As a single mother, Linda relies on state benefits which are nowhere near enough.身为一名单身母亲,琳达靠国家救济度日,根本就不够用。As a salesman, I am on the road about three weeks per month.身为业务员,一个月当中有三个星期我都到处奔走兜揽生意。As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with heat and humidity.身为一个哮喘患者,他无法应对炎热与潮湿。As a parent, I feel that more should be done to protect our children.身为家长,我觉得应该多做些事来保护我们的孩子。He is still plodding on as prime minister.身为首相他依旧兢兢业业。As a churchman, he was accused of interfering in politics.他被指控身为神职人员干预政治。His work exalts all those virtues that we, as Americans, are taught to hold dear.他的作品颂扬了所有那些身为美国人应该珍视的美德。The actress had a complete makeover to turn her into a glamorous star.这位女演员彻底改变形象,想变身为魅力四射的明星。As a clown he visits local hospitals to cheer up sick children.身为小丑的他走访当地各家医院,为患病的儿童打气。He is a writer at the height of his powers.身为作家,他正值事业的巅峰时刻。As a writer he remained nonconformist all his life, always searching for new means of expression.身为作家,他一生特立独行,总在探索新的表达方式。Kingdon's broad experience, as writer and scholar, suffuses this important book.金登身为作家和学者的丰富阅历在这部重要的著作中体现得淋漓尽致。The first TV cook, she was contemporaneous with Elizabeth David.身为第一位上电视烹饪节目的厨师,她与伊莉莎白·大卫是同时代的人。It's the first time I, a fair-skinned, freckly type, have sailed in the sun without burning.身为那种皮肤白皙而又长雀斑的人,这是我第一次在阳光下航行而没有被晒伤。My duty as a police officer is to find out the facts and communicate them to the proper people.身为警察,我的职责是找出事实真相,并与相关人员联系。As the teacher, it's your job to give clear instructions to the children.身为教师,给儿童明确的指示是你的工作。Fatherhood is a lifelong responsibility.身为父亲是一生的责任。As chairman I was left to carry the can for a decision that made no sense and was not of my doing.身为主席,我被迫为一个莫名其妙并且不是我作的决定承担责任。He will be remembered as a politician who fervently argued for what he believed in.他将因身为一位能够为自己的信仰积极抗争的政治家而名垂后世。




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