例句 |
The hem of her skirt is sagging on the left side.她裙的左面褶边松垂下来。The right-hand dial shows the temperature, and the left-hand one shows the air pressure.右面的刻度盘显示温度,左面的刻度盘显示气压。The picture bleeds on the left side.这幅插图超出左面页边了。Exit stage left.从舞台左面退场。There was a strong light coming from the left.从左面射来一道强光。The title page is always on the right side or the recto; the left side is known as the verso.书名页总是在右面的或称右页上;左面的那页称之为左页。Can you see me in the photo? I'm in the back row on the left.你能在照片里找到我吗?我在后排的左面。 |