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词汇 新书
例句 I tried the library for his new book.我去图书馆找过他的新书He is gathering materials for a new book.他正在收集资料准备写一本新书Her new book was the intellectual event of the year.她那部新书是当年知识界的大事。I don't want to sound conceited, but I think my new book might be a best-seller.我无意自夸,只是觉得我那本新书有可能成为畅销书。This new book is quite different.这部新书相当独特。The poem has been translated anew for this new book.在这本新书中,这首诗被重新翻译了。Her new book has been embraced by the intelligentsia.她的新书受到知识阶层的追捧。Her new book examines the causes of social discontent.她的新书审视了社会不满的原因。He had worked energetically all day on his new book.他一整天都劲头十足地写他的新书Her latest book looks like being another winner.她的新书看起来又将大获成功。His new book got mixed reviews.对他的新书的评论毁誉参半。The critics rubbished her new book.评论家把她的新书贬得一文不值。She scanned the shelves of the library for new books.她在图书馆书架上寻找新书In his latest book, out today, he tells of his experiences in the civil war.在他今天出版的新书中他谈到自己在内战中的种种经历。New and second-hand books for sale.新书和二手书均有出售。This is the point of departure for his latest book.这就是他新书的肇始。His new book made the whole literary world sit up and take notice.他的新书使整个文学界刮目相看。Her new book was well/poorly received by the critics. 她的新书受到评论者的好/差评。The Sunday newspapers often carry critiques of new books, films and plays.星期日各报常常刊登对新书、新电影及新戏的评论文章。She's got a new book coming out but I can't see it doing very well.她有一本新书马上要出版,但我不是很看好它。Meg's new book is still well ahead of schedule.梅格的新书在进度上时间仍很充裕。His new book is massively overwritten.他的新书太拖泥带水。He bought some new books at the science fiction convention.他在科幻小说大会上买了几本新书Her new book is a publishing phenomenon.她的新书是出版业的奇迹。She is signing copies of her book at the official launch.她正在新书发布会上给自己的书签名。Her new book is supposed to be the hottest thing since Harry Potter.她的新书被认为是继《哈利·波特》后最热门的书。The author was signing copies of his new book as a part of the publisher's promotion campaign.作者在给他的新书签名,这是出版商促销活动的一部分。Author Bob Woodhouse will be signing copies of his new book.作者鲍勃・伍德豪斯将进行新书签售。Peter Drucker, the management guru, has just published a new book.管理大师彼得德鲁克刚出版了一本新书His new book is selling like crazy.他的新书极其畅销。The new book is being tipped as a probable best seller.人们预测这本新书很可能成为畅销书。Details of new titles, with plot summaries, are included in the catalogue.新书的详细信息连同情节概要一并包括在图书目录里。Someone floated this idea for a new book.有人为一本新书提出了这个想法。Joanna came up with a brilliant idea for a new book.乔安娜突然有了出一本新书的绝妙主意。This latest book is the jewel in his crown.这本新书是他最成功的著作。With this latest book, she is clearly hoping to plug into the international market.显然她希望通过这本新书打入国际市场。He was widely criticized during the recent flap about his controversial new book.他备受争议的新书最近引起骚动,他在此期间受到广泛批评。Her new book is a pointed look at life in a small community, and the position of women within it.她的新书对狭小社区的生活和其中女性的地位进行了犀利的剖析。When asked about his next book, he played coy.当问到他的下一部新书时,他不肯直接回答。His newest book is just a slight variation on a familiar theme.他最近出版的新书只是在大家都熟知的主题上稍有一些变化而已。




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