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词汇 巢穴
例句 The dogs tracked the wolf to its lair.那群狗追踪那只狼一直到它的巢穴Although raccoons may lie up in their dens during the winter they do not actually hibernate.浣熊冬天虽然躲在巢穴里,但实际上并没有冬眠。The police tracked the thieves to their lair.警察跟踪小偷找到他们的巢穴The birds were flying around their nest site.鸟在自己的巢穴周围飞动着。As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.两只小鸟一出壳就离开了巢穴Young eagles leave the nest after only two months.雏鹰仅仅两个月以后就会飞离巢穴Dogs are used to track the wolves to their lair in the forest.用狗来追踪狼在林中的巢穴




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