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词汇 岗位
例句 She spoke grimly of the scarcity of jobs.她一脸严肃地谈起就业岗位的缺乏。Thousands of jobs in manufacturing are going every week.每周有上千个制造业岗位被裁减。None of the men had reported for duty.这些人没有一个到岗位报到。They've started giving really responsible positions to people who are actually still wet behind the ears.他们已经开始把责任重大的岗位给一些还乳臭未干的人了。The job/position is still unfilled.这个岗位/职位仍然空缺。Employers may rotate duties to give staff wider experience.雇主可以轮换工作岗位,以丰富员工的经验。In this job you have to know when to quit.在这个岗位上,你得知道什么时候要放手。It is hoped that the development will create new jobs in the region.希望此项开发能为该地区创造新的就业岗位Employees are invited to apply for the new position.欢迎员工来应聘这个新岗位After joining the army, he spent five years at his first station. 参军后,他在第一个岗位上待了五年。The sailors were ordered to man their battle stations.水手们受命守卫各自岗位The program would generate a lot of new jobs.这个项目将创造许多新的就业岗位It is my intention to remain in my position until a successor is elected.我的打算是继续呆在岗位上,直到选出继任者。They tried unsuccessfully to lever him out of his job. 他们想方设法要把他从岗位上赶走,但没成功。The sentries had deserted their posts.哨兵擅自离开了岗位The Prime Minister returned to his desk after a week's absence.首相外出一周后重返岗位He remained in the post until his retirement last year.直到去年退休,他一直留在那个岗位上。The crisis put thousands of jobs in jeopardy.危机使得成千上万的就业岗位面临危险。The increase will hurt small business and cost many thousands of jobs.这一增长将伤害小企业并损失成千上万的就业岗位They are often recruited directly from university to be groomed for management positions.他们经常是直接从大学里招聘来接受管理岗位的培训。I thought I had filled the requirements of my job description.我觉得自己达到了所在岗位的职责要求。An employee who has learned outmoded procedures on previous jobs must be first untaught.在以往职业岗位上学得了过时工作程序的雇员必须先接受洗旧脑筋的教学。Mr Hall is noncommittal about the number of jobs that the development corporation has created.霍尔先生并未明确说明开发公司已创造的岗位数量。Despite the small number of applicants, they managed to find the right person for the job.虽然求职人数很少,他们还是找到了适合这个岗位的人。The new policy will help businesses and, more important , it will create thousands of new jobs. 这项新政策将有助于企业发展,更重要的是,它还将创造出数千个就业岗位She recently retired from teaching.她最近从教师岗位上退休了。She has been working on the front lines to educate the poor.她一直工作在为穷人提供教育的前线岗位上。The new factory should provide employment for hundreds of workers.新工厂应能为数百名工人提供就业岗位These job losses are the final nail in the region's coffin.这些就业岗位的减少对该地区来说是严重的打击。We have seen job growth in a number of areas.我们已经看到一些地区出现了岗位增长。There is now a higher proportion of women in management jobs.如今在管理岗位上的女性比例增加了。It is indeed an honour to serve my country in such an esteemed position.在如此受人尊敬的岗位上为我的国家服务的确是一种荣誉。We want to create jobs for the unemployed.我们想为失业者创造就业岗位The government is to provide more money for job creation.政府打算在创造就业岗位方面提供更多的资金。The Post Office has confirmed that up to a thousand jobs could be lost in sorting offices.邮政已经确认邮件分拣处可能会裁掉一千个岗位Hundreds of new jobs were created during her incumbency.她任职期间新增了数百个就业岗位The job will be kept vacant for a few more weeks.这一岗位还要再空上几周。He listed the required qualifications for the job.他列出了这个岗位需求的资质。The struggling company had to freeze wages and eliminate several jobs.这家不景气的公司不得不冻结工资,减少一些岗位The manager's position has become a revolving door.经理的岗位走马灯似地不断换人。




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