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Jessica died Monday. She was one week shy of her 13th birthday.杰茜卡是星期一死的,还有一个星期就是她的十三岁生日了。It is no use fighting shy of publicity and then complaining when sponsors pass us by.一边对做宣传避之不及,一边又抱怨赞助人与我们擦身而过,这样做是没有用的。He's three credits shy of his bachelor's degree.他还差三个学分才能拿到学士学位。She has always fought shy of publicity.她一直躲避公众的关注。I called him only two minutes shy of midnight.我打电话给他时,差两分钟就到午夜。The Democrats are three votes shy of a majority.民主党离多数票还差三票。Don't be shy of telling them what you think.告诉他们你的想法,不要有顾忌。He is painfully shy of women.他见到女人就十分害羞。He fought shy of actually committing himself to undertake the work.他没有答应承担这项工作。Before this course I'd always fought shy of technology.在修这门课之前,我一直都竭力避开和技术有关的问题。I'm shy of saying too much on this delicate subject.这敏感问题我不敢说得太多。He was never shy of controversy.他从来都不怕与人争论。The ball stopped just a few inches shy of the hole.球离洞口仅差几英寸时停住了。All the children fight shy of lessons.孩子们都不愿做功课。She is shy of interviews.她不愿意人家采访她。My brother is two months shy of being of voting age.我的兄弟离选民年龄还差两个月。Small children are often shy of anyone they do not know.小孩子在陌生人面前常常是怯生生的。The minister has so far fought shy of taking a clear stand on this issue.这位部长迄今躲闪着不对这问题表态。The company had hitherto fought shy of partnerships with foreign firms.这家公司至今避免和外国公司合伙。You should not be shy of having your say in the running of the school.在管理学校方面,你应该毫无顾忌地发表你的意见。I was a little shy of them at first.一开始我对他们有点儿戒心。You can't fight shy of your responsibility for your children.你不能回避你对你的孩子们所负的责任。Until now television had fought shy of covering by-elections.迄今为止电视台一直竭力避免报道补缺选举。 |