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词汇 shy
例句 All the children fight shy of lessons.孩子们都不愿做功课。He was too shy to talk to anyone at the party.他太害羞,不敢和聚会上的任何人说话。He was shy and nervous as a boy, and unhappy at school.他小时候既害羞又胆怯,在学校过得并不快乐。He was shy and tremulous in the presence of strangers.他在陌生人面前腼腆害羞。He's really just shy, but he comes off as a little arrogant. 他其实只是害羞,但看起来像是有点傲慢。The store is shy on children's clothing.这家商店童装缺货。He is a morose, work-shy layabout.他是个整天垂头丧气、游手好闲的人。Because little Danny spent all his time with his mother, he was rather shy with men.由于小丹尼总是和他母亲在一起,所以和男人在一块很羞涩。He was too shy to ask her to dance with him.他太害羞了,不敢邀请她跳舞。He was a shy boy, but he grew to be a strong and confident man.他曾是个腼腆的男孩,但后来长成了一个坚强自信的男子汉。Bruce was staring at her. She looked away, feeling suddenly shy and embarrassed.布鲁斯注视着她。她突然感到害羞和尴尬,便转头往别处看去。She seems confident, but she's really quite shy underneath.她看起来很自信,其实相当腼腆。She is a very nice/shy/interesting person.她是一个非常和善/害羞/有趣的人。I felt clumsy, shy and awkward at the party.我觉得自己在聚会上笨手笨脚的,又胆小又不自然。He was shy and unassuming and not at all how you expect an actor to be.他腼腆低调,一点儿也不像你想象中的演员的样子。David felt too shy to say anything, and looked at them awkwardly.戴维羞得什么话都讲不出来,只是局促不安地看着他们。I knew they would help me but I was too shy to ask.我知道他们会帮我,但我不好意思张口。She was a shy, quiet-spoken girl.她是个害羞、说话轻声细语的女孩。She gives the impression of being rather stiff and unfriendly, but I think that's because she's basically shy.她给人的印象是相当拘谨且不友好,但我觉得这是因为她其实很害羞的缘故。Please don't be shy-I won't eat you!别那么害羞,我又不会吃了你!I called him only two minutes shy of midnight.我打电话给他时,差两分钟就到午夜。You don't have to be shy with me, you know.要知道你在我面前不必有顾虑。My abiding memory of our first meeting is of a girl too shy to talk.我永远记得我们初次见面时她是一个腼腆得连话都不敢说的女孩。They're shy animals and don't often come out in daylight.它们是胆小的动物,白天不常出来。He seemed cold at first, but on closer/further acquaintance I realized that he was just shy.刚开始他似乎很冷漠,可经过进一步接触,我发现他只是有些腼腆。I was never much good at drama when I was a kid - probably because I was very shy.我小时候从不擅长戏剧表演—可能是我太害羞了。I know that she seems very aggressive, but underneath she's really quite shy.我知道她虽然表面上咄咄逼人,实际上却非常腼腆。As a teenager I was painfully shy.我十几岁时非常害羞。Lisa is very extrovert, but her sister is a little shy.莉萨性格很外向,可她妹妹有点腼腆。David was always rather quiet and shy at school.戴维在学校里总是很安静,很腼腆。She was terribly shy around strangers.有陌生人在的时候她特别害羞。I was painfully shy as a teenager.我十几岁的时候非常腼腆。I was a little shy of them at first.一开始我对他们有点儿戒心。He's so shy that he always seems to fade into the woodwork at parties.他那么腼腆,在聚会上总是不被关注,就像消失了一样。He's at a disadvantage being so shy.过于害羞使他处于劣势。Norm is very shy but his wife's outgoing.诺姆很腼腆但他妻子却很善于交际。These people are often labeled as "work-shy".这些人常被归入「怕工作」的一类。The store is shy on porcelain cups.这家商店瓷杯缺货。The shy girl gave us a tentative smile.那害羞的女孩向我们怯生生地微微一笑。That shy reserved young man had turned into a confident adult.以前那个腼腆不多言的小伙子,现在已变成一个充满自信的成年人了。




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