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词汇 shyness
例句 His talent was submerged by his shyness.他的腼腆湮没了他的才能。His shyness soon went away when he started school.他开始上学后不久就不再害羞了。He had succeeded in putting her at her ease, despite her natural shyness.尽管她天性羞怯,他仍然成功地使她放松了下来。Zoe overcompensates for her shyness by talking a lot.佐伊为克服自己的羞怯而说话过多,真是矫枉过正。Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.她终于克服了上课时的羞怯。I was dumb with shyness and awe.我又羞又怕,话都说不出来了。His face went red with shyness when he walked into the crowded room.走进拥挤的房间时,他的脸羞得通红。Her feelings of shyness rapidly vanished.她的羞涩很快就消失了。My biggest problem is shyness.我最大的问题是害羞。He struggled to overcome his shyness.他努力克服自己的羞怯。Debilly had no Anglo-Saxon shyness about discussing money.在谈到钱时,德比利毫无英国式的羞涩。She wanted to introduce herself to him but she held back out of shyness.她本想向他做个自我介绍,但因害羞而退缩了。He was suddenly overcome with shyness.他突然害羞起来。My shyness was here my best friend.我的腼腆在这种场合帮了大忙。You'll soon get over your shyness.你会很快克服羞怯心理的。He was handicapped by his extreme shyness.他由于非常羞怯而吃亏。She completely forgot her shyness in her fascination with what he was saying.他的话使她入了迷,完全忘记了羞怯。As she began to speak to him, she was struck with shyness.她刚开始和他说话时,感到十分害羞。Her enthusiasm dissolved his shyness.她的热情消除了他的羞怯。Her aggressive outbursts are just a front for her shyness.她咄咄逼人的举止只不过是在掩饰她的羞怯。She spoke of her struggles with shyness.她谈到了自己是如何克服胆怯的。His shyness was a handicap in his job.他的腼腆不利于他的工作。I tried to overcome my shyness.我试图克服我的胆怯。She can't get over her shyness.她无法克服她的羞怯心理。It was his shyness which let him down.正是他的腼腆拖了他的后腿。Greg wanted to ask Julie for a date, but shyness always held him back.格雷格想约朱莉,但他的腼腆总是让他开不了口。With considerable shyness, Elaine performed the introductions.伊莱恩非常害羞地进行了介绍。Ray tries to compensate for his shyness by telling a lot of jokes.雷经常讲笑话,试图弥补自己害羞这一缺点。Her temporary shyness was due to her unfamiliarity with the environment.她暂时的害羞是因为对环境不熟悉。A course in assertiveness could help her overcome her shyness.修一门建立自信心的课能帮助她克服腼腆。There was a hint of schoolboy shyness in his explanation.他的解释中带有一丝学生的羞涩。Overcoming her instinctive shyness, she boldly stepped forward to speak to the crowd.她克服了自己羞怯的性格,大胆地走上前去和大家讲话。He shed his seminarian's shyness and even appeared relaxed with women.他摆脱了神学院学生特有的腼腆,甚至同女人在一起也显得从容随便了。Her shyness makes her a bit of an oddity in the business world.她很腼腆,这在商界让人觉得她有些古怪。His shyness can be very endearing.他的羞怯可能会非常惹人喜爱。She had to work very hard to overcome her shyness.她极其害羞,得下大功夫才能克服。His shyness is the result of an inferiority complex.他害羞是因为自卑。She managed to overcome her shyness, and stepped forward to introduce herself.她克服了自己的腼腆,走上前介绍自己。His caring personality was cloaked by shyness.由于羞怯,他体贴的性格并不容易被察觉。Many believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him down.很多人认为是他的腼腆和缺乏安全感拖了他的后腿。




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