例句 |
Oh,very well, but I still think that I am right.嗯,那就这样吧,不过我仍然认为我是对的。Well, that's it, we're done - we can go home now.好啦,就这样吧,我们完工了——现在可以回家了。I guess that does it, gentlemen. Unless you have anything further to discuss.先生们,我想就这样吧!除非你们还有事要讨论。All right Bob. You can go now.就这样吧,鲍勃,你现在可以走了。We'll leave it at that. You will pay half the expenses.这事就这样吧。你得付一半费用。Well, I guess it's time to hit the road.就这样吧,我想是时候告辞了。All right, Bob. You can go now.就这样吧,鲍勃,你现在可以走了。All right, boys and girls, let's meet again next week.就这样吧,孩子们,我们下星期再见。 |