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词汇 charge against
例句 The Black Prince led a cavalry charge against them.黑王子带领骑兵向他们冲去。She refused to testify, unless the murder charge against her was dropped.她拒绝作证,除非撤销对她的谋杀指控。The charges against him were never proved in court.对他的指控未在法庭上得到证实。The police filed charges against the two suspects.警方对两名嫌疑犯提起了诉讼。His supporters claim that the charges against him are politically motivated.他的支持者声称对他的指控有政治动机。They are going to bring charges against him. 他们打算起诉他。He was found guilty of all six charges against him.他被判六项罪名都成立。On Tuesday, the police officially filed charges against Jeffers.星期二,警方正式对杰弗斯提出指控。The charges against the president are not strong enough to warrant his removal.对总统的指控还没有严重到足以使其下台的程度。If she is to be found guilty, the charges against her must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.如果要判她有罪,必须要证明对她的控告是确切无疑的。You have to consider the seriousness of the charges against you.你必须要考虑这些针对你的指控的严重性。The police say they are planning to bring charges against him.警方说他们准备起诉他。An American judge yesterday dismissed murder charges against Dr Jack Kevorkian.昨天一个美国法官驳回了对杰克·凯沃尔基安医生的谋杀指控。The investigation cleared him officially of all the charges against him.调查正式澄清了对他的所有指控。A court in Berlin has dropped the charges against him, clearing the way for him to leave Germany.柏林的一个法庭今天撤销了对他的指控,这样他就可以离开德国了。He is weighing the possibility of filing criminal charges against the doctor.他正在仔细考虑对那个医生提起刑事诉讼的可能性。The charges against him are obviously/patently absurd.针对他的指控显然很荒谬。Both women vehemently deny the charges against them.两名女子都言辞激烈地否认了对她们的指控。The judge dismissed the murder charge against her.法官驳回了对她犯有谋杀罪的指控。The charges against him were dropped due to insufficient evidence.对他的指控因证据不足被撤回了。The police dropped the charges against the suspect.警方撤销了对那名嫌疑人的指控。He says the charges against him are full of lies.他说对他的指控完全是一派胡言。Police preferred charges against him for theft.警方指控他有偷窃行为。The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.对他的指控包括诈骗、行贿和伪造商业记录。He preferred a charge against the robber.他控告那名盗贼。The prosecutors dropped the charges against her.检察官撤销了对她的指控。His employer laid false charges against him.他的雇主对他提出诬告。The defending lawyer asked that the charge against his client be dismissed.辩护律师请求驳回对其委托人的指控。The judge dismissed the case, claiming the charges against him were groundless.法官驳回了案件,称对他的控告没有根据。She went on the offensive to fight the charges against her.她采取攻势反击对她的种种指控。The charges against the prisoner include criminal damage and assault.对囚犯的指控包括刑事毁坏罪和侵犯人身罪。The company brought a charge against him.该公司控告了他。Pretrial hearings on kidnap charges against them took place last month.关于他们被指控绑架一案的预审于上月进行。The charges against the candidate were made by one of the governor's attack dogs.对这名候选人的指控是州长手下的一名抨击高手提出的。The charges against them include conspiracy to smuggle heroin.对他们的指控包括搞海洛因走私的阴谋活动。The charges against her are baseless.对她的指控毫无根据。The charges against you have been dropped.对你的指控已被撤销。The expenses were charged against the company's earnings.这笔费用与公司的收益冲抵了。Curran decided to bring charges against the man who attacked him.柯伦决定起诉攻击他的那个人。Police are expected to bring criminal charges against Warren.大家期待着警方对沃伦提起刑事诉讼。




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