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词汇 舰队
例句 The fleet should be kept in being.这支舰队应当予以保留。The Americans are strengthening their surface fleet.美国人正在加强他们的水上舰队The fleet was sent in and the country prepared for war.该国已调来舰队,为战争做好了准备。We know he lived in Fleet Road, but other than that we don't know much about him.我们只知道他住在舰队路,除此之外,我们对他了解不多。Finally loaded, the Turkish fleet puts out to sea.终于装载完毕,土耳其舰队出海了。The general did not have confidence that the Fourth Fleet would be able to fulfil its mission.将军对第四舰队完成此项任务没有信心。A US fleet blockaded the port of Veracruz.一支美军舰队封锁了韦拉克鲁斯港。The fleet convoyed the mothership into the port.这支舰队护送母舰进港。The damage inflicted upon the British fleet was devastating.英国舰队遭到了毁灭性的重创。They launched a surprise attack on the Russian fleet.他们向俄罗斯舰队发起了突袭。In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain's submarine force was relatively small.同其水面舰队相比,英国的潜艇部队规模相对较小。The two fleets pounded away at each other until nightfall.两支舰队互相猛烈开火,直至黄昏。The Grand Fleet had finally met the German navy in battle and, it seemed at first, had got the worst of it.舰队最终与德国海军交战,而且看起来一开始就输得很惨。A fleet is lying in the harbour.一支舰队正停泊在港内。Admiral Naumenko personally carried out an inspection of the fleet.诺门科上将亲自检阅舰队They drove and squandered the huge enemy fleet.他们驱散了敌人的大舰队The fighter bombers streamed over the flotilla.战斗轰炸机在舰队上空迅速掠过。That battleship has been retired from the mothball fleet.那艘军舰已从备役舰队中除役。At first, he thought the Pacific Fleet was under attack from German forces.起初,他以为太平洋舰队遭到了德军的袭击。Britain needed Gibraltar as an invulnerable nest for its fleet.英国需要把直布罗陀变成其舰队攻不破的避风港。The heavy guns of the fleet bombarded the enemy's coastal positions.舰队的重炮袭击了敌人的沿海阵地。The President reviewed the fleet.总统检阅了舰队The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.陆军本应与舰队共同行动,突袭敌方海岸。The two fleets joined battle.两支舰队开始交战。Their forces were waiting to engage the US fleet.他们的部队等待着与美国舰队交战。The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.陆军本来应该与舰队协同作战,突袭敌人的海岸。The fleet has left for exercises in the North Sea.舰队已去北海演习。A courier reported that the Russian and the Spanish fleets had sailed for these waters.情报员报导俄国和西班牙舰队已向这个海域出航。The ships had travelled thousands of miles through hostile waters to converge in the Atlantic.舰队穿过敌方水域行驶了几千英里来到大西洋会师。Russia and Ukraine have been disputing the ownership of the fleet.俄罗斯和乌克兰一直在争夺舰队的所有权。The Dutch fleet captured two English ships.荷兰舰队虏获了两艘英国船舰。The fleet was officered by incompetents.那支舰队由一批无能之辈指挥。Despite its superior numbers, the French fleet was defeated by Nelson's navy.尽管法国舰队在数量上占优势,但它仍被纳尔逊指挥的海军打败了。




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