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词汇 般配
例句 They were well matched, I thought.我认为他们十分般配The couple provided the perfect foil for one another.这对夫妇非常般配They are a perfect match for each other.他们是完全般配的一对。Freddie and Kate are a perfect match.弗雷迪和凯特非常般配They were ideally suited to one another.他们彼此十分般配They are both very vital people and a good match.他俩都很有活力,十分般配I'm looking for a necklace to complete my outfit.我想买一条和这套衣服般配的项链。They're a very nice couple, although I very seldom see them these days.他俩是非常般配的一对,但我近来很少见到他们。Her new boyfriend's not much of a catch really, is he?她的新男朋友和她不太般配,是吧?




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