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词汇 小店
例句 Matthew's little shop has turned into a thriving business.马修的小店变成了兴隆的商行。Osage Beach has shopping centers, factory outlet stores, and small shops with country crafts and antiques.欧塞奇比奇有购物中心、工厂直销店以及出售乡村手工艺品和古玩的小店Now a rash of scruffy little shops bordered one side of the street.现在街道的一边排满了各种破旧的小店I bet that corner shop's a goldmine.我敢肯定,那家街角小店很赚钱。He gambled his savings to start a small store.他孤注一掷地用自己的积蓄开了一家小店Some small old-fashioned shops still have a bell which tinkles when you push the door open.一些老式的小店还装有一种铃,当你推门时它会发出叮咚声。There is a small hotdog stand outside.外面有家卖热狗的小店We have a church, one pub and a village shop.我们有一座教堂、一个酒吧和一个乡村小店The druggist owns a small store.药房老板拥有一家小店She sells souvenirs at a kiosk in the mall.她在那家购物广场里的一个小店卖纪念品。The town centre is crammed with funny little shops.镇中心挤满了古怪的小店They've got a good thing going with that little shop of theirs.他们的那家小店生意做得很红火。He went to the shop to get some milk.他到那家小店买牛奶去了。He runs a concession that sells hot dogs and hamburgers at the ballpark.他在棒球场经营一处卖热狗和汉堡包的小店Small shops charge much higher prices for the same products.同样的商品,小店要价高得多。The family settled in a small Nevada town where they opened a store.那家人在内华达州的一个小镇上住了下来,在那里开了一家小店Small shops huddle together in the narrow lane.多家小店挤在这条狭窄的小巷里。The big hardware chain was eating the local store's lunch. 大型五金连锁店抢了当地小店的生意。Generally, these small stores do not keep fresh meat or vegetables.一般来说,这些小店是不卖新鲜肉类或蔬菜的。The little shop was wedged between two larger stores. 小店被夹在两家较大的店铺之间。I happened on a delightful little shop in Hope Street.我在霍普街上偶然发现了一家可爱的小店When the big retailers open a store, the little guys lose business.大的零售商开店之后,小店便失去了客源。The large chain stores are siphoning profits from the small local stores.大型连锁商店从地方的小店抽取利润。The old man tarted up his shop so much that I couldn't recognize it.那个老人把他的小店装饰得我都认不出来了。He opened a small store and sold self-made candies.他开了一家小店,出售自制的糖果。His first commercial venture was opening a small corner shop.他的第一次商业冒险就是在街角开了个小店




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