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词汇 change over
例句 The railways here have changed over from steam to electricity.这里的火车已由蒸汽的改成电气的了。Football players change over after half-time.足球运动员在中场休息后互换场地。The plant changed over to the manufacture of storage batteries last year.这家工厂去年已改产蓄电池。The plant has changed over to the manufacture of storage batteries.这家工厂已改产蓄电池。The complexion of the neighborhood has changed over the years.这些年来,这个街区的面貌发生了改变。The book traces how fashions have changed over the years.这本书追踪了这些年的时尚变化。When the teams changed over, it was the Fulham goalkeeper's turn to have the sun in his eyes.两队交换场地后,轮到富勒姆队的守门员被太阳晃眼。Ideas about the social significance of religion have changed over time.关于宗教的社会意义的看法已经随着时间的变迁而改变。You row and I'll sit in the back of the boat and steer – then later on we'll change over.你划船,我坐在后面掌舵,一会儿我们再对换。The two men swapped places, always extinguishing the light when they changed over.那两名男子几次互调位置,并且每次交换时都会先灭了灯。Scientific opinions are not carved on tablets of stone; they change over the years.科学观点不是刻在石头上不可更改的,它们会随着时间而改变。My feelings towards Susan have changed over the years.这些年我对苏珊的看法已经发生了变化。The social significance of religion has changed over time.宗教的社会意义随着时间的变迁已经发生了变化。This university has witnessed quite a few changes over the years.这所大学多年来经历过很多变革。It will take a week to change over from the old computer network to the new one.计算机网络更新需要一周时间。We hope to change over to the new software by next month.我们希望到下个月能够换用新的软件。Perceptions change over time.认识随时间而变。The guards change over at midnight.卫兵在午夜换岗。Attitudes change over time.态度会随着时间推移而发生变化。The way the court construes various words has changed over time.随着时间的推移,法庭对各种词语的解释方式已经发生了变化。She wanted to change over from gas to electricity for her cooking.她想把用煤气改为用电来做饭。




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