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词汇 champagne
例句 I've especially asked for very cold champagne, so they should ice the glass.我特地要了冰冷的香槟,因此他们应该把杯子冰一下。The evening was a lavish affair with glorious food and an endless supply of champagne.晚会很豪华,食物精美可口,香槟酒源源不断。The champagne flowed like water at the wedding reception.在结婚宴席上人们畅饮香槟。Let's save the champagne until last.让我们把这瓶香槟留到最后喝吧。He is swanning around the world spending his ill-gotten gains on a champagne lifestyle.他正在悠闲地周游世界,用非法所得过着奢华的生活。Congratulations! I think a glass of champagne is in order, don't you?祝贺你!我想来一杯香槟酒是理所当然的,你说呢?We ordered another bottle of champagne.我们又点了一瓶香槟。We were served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails.他们连法国香槟酒也端来给我们喝,更不用说寻常的鸡尾酒了。Let's crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.我们开瓶香槟庆祝一下吧!All the honeymooners will receive a free bottle of champagne.所有蜜月夫妇都将免费获赠一瓶香槟。Bridget grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter.布里奇特从在身边走过的侍者那里快速拿了一杯香槟酒。She sat sipping a glass of champagne.她坐着慢慢抿香槟。I was given a heady mixture of champagne and brandy.别人给了我一杯很容易上头的香槟和白兰地混合酒。The champagne was quaffed from huge golden goblets.香槟酒被从金色的高脚杯里一饮而尽。All guests will receive a complimentary bottle of champagne.所有客人都将得到一瓶免费的香槟。She was clutching a bottle of champagne.她手里紧紧抓着一瓶香槟酒。They served us champagne as an aperitif.他们用香槟作为开胃酒招待我们。There was a complimentary bottle of champagne in the hotel room.旅馆房间内有一瓶免费赠送的香槟。He had a crazy scheme to corner the champagne market.他有个疯狂的计划,要垄断香槟市场。He ordered himself a bottle of champagne.他给自己点了一瓶香槟酒。 They imbibed freely of champagne.他们痛饮香槟酒。Gone are the days when champagne-drinking was just for toffs.香槟酒只有上层社会有钱人喝得起的日子一去不复返了。If you can't run to champagne, buy sparkling wine.如果买不起香槟酒,就买汽酒好了。She was knocking back the champagne at Maria's party.她当时正在玛丽亚的聚会上畅饮香槟。He was examining last night's accounts, a glass of champagne at his elbow.他正在检查昨晚的账目,手边放着一杯香槟。The day after the wedding, I'll still be sleeping off the champagne.婚礼的第二天,我仍然是以睡觉来解喝香槟的酒醉。They lunched on lobster and strawberries, accompanied by a fine vintage champagne.他们午饭吃了龙虾和草莓,佐餐的是上品陈年香槟。I'm one of the few people who doesn't actually like champagne.有个别人还真是不喜欢香槟酒,我就是其中之一。We had been mooching champagne at one of the corporate get-togethers.在公司的一次聚会上,我们不停地索要香槟酒喝。I had a bottle of champagne which I'd been saving for a special occasion.我有一瓶香槟,是留到特别的日子喝的。Kenny slowed his steps, abruptly mindful that the champagne shouldn't be shaken.肯尼忽然想到香槟不能摇晃,放慢了脚步。In time-honoured / time-honored tradition, a bottle of champagne was smashed on the ship.依据由来已久的传统,在船上摔碎了一瓶香槟酒。He busted out the champagne.他拿出了香槟酒。The Governor has laid in a plentiful supply of champagne.州长贮藏了大量香槟酒。The champagne mantled in the glass.玻璃杯里的香槟酒面上泛起一层泡沫。On arrival, guests are offered wine or a champagne cocktail.宾客一到场就会有人送上葡萄酒或香槟鸡尾酒。He may crack a bottle of champagne.他可能会开一瓶香槟。As it was such a special occasion, she permitted herself a small glass of champagne.鉴于场合特殊,她破例喝了一小杯香槟。Bubbles from the champagne were tickling her nose.香槟酒溢出的泡沫让她的鼻子发痒。They toasted the birth of their new baby with champagne.他们用香槟酒庆贺他们孩子的出生。




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