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This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency.这是一个官僚主义低效率的典型例子。The end result of these changes will be more bureaucracy and fewer resources.这些变化最终将导致官僚主义更加严重以及资源进一步匮乏。The whole process was encumbered with bureaucracy.整个进程受到官僚主义的阻碍。For years, the organization was strangled by excessive bureaucracy.该机构多年来因官僚主义作风严重,发展受到阻滞。Bureaucracy spawns many rules that complicate our life.官僚主义产生了许多使我们生活复杂化的条条框框。In her opinion, technocracy was not incompatible with democracy.在她看来,技术官僚主义与民主并不冲突。Law enforcement in that country is hamstrung by bureaucracy.该国的执法工作由于官僚主义而陷于瘫痪。These delays are just another instance of bureaucratic inefficiency.这些延误只不过是官僚主义效率低下的又一个例证。The new system has interposed a bureaucratic barrier between doctors and patients.新体系在医生和患者之间置入了一道官僚主义的障碍。The asylum seekers had to contend with continued bureaucratic obstruction.寻求政治庇护的人得不断地应付官僚主义的层层阻挠。The government has been stultified by bureaucracy.官僚主义使政府变得迟钝。Trying to enforce the law regulating the length of passenger buses has been a bureaucratic nightmare.试图执行控制公共汽车长度的法律成了官僚主义的繁文缛节。Thousands of asylum seekers are stranded in a bureaucratic limbo.成千上万的寻求避难者被官僚主义搁置起来。Because of bureaucratic bungling the hospital had never been built.因官僚主义的错误,这家医院一直没有建成。The proposal was bogged down in bureaucracy.这个建议由于官僚主义而被搁置。He is too young to be crusted with bureaucratism.他还很年轻,不至于结上官僚主义的硬壳。We live in a technocracy where progress involves the mastering of increasingly complex data.我们生活在一个技术官僚主义时代,要取得进步就必须充分掌握日益复杂的数据。These bureaucratic delays have been causing us a lot of frustration.这些官僚主义的拖沓作风让我们恼火不已。This is a classic example of the killjoy attitudes of officialdom.这是那种典型的令人不快的官僚主义态度。Meetings with tax inspectors are often bureaucratic assault courses.和税务稽查员打交道常常就像陷在官僚主义的迷魂阵里。Corruption is a pestilence of bureaucracy.贪污腐败是官僚主义的一种罪恶。This is an example of bureaucracy writ large.这是典型的官僚主义的实例。The forces for change are not sufficient to overcome bureaucratic inertia.变革的力量不足以克服官僚主义惰性。The government has created a bureaucratic monster.政府制造了一个官僚主义大毒瘤。Bureaucracy is always slow.官僚主义办事总是拖拖拉拉。The company was inefficient because it was highly bureaucratic.那家公司效率低下是因为官僚主义严重。There has been the odd bureaucratic obstacle.令人费解的官僚主义障碍一向存在。The peace talks are mired in bureaucracy.和平谈判深陷于官僚主义的泥潭中。The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia.官僚主义的惰性扼杀了这个组织。 |