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例句 When you look at this painting and the one by Rembrandt, there is certainly a resemblance.看一下这幅画和伦勃朗的那一幅,两者无疑是很相似。He certainly was not politically inactive.他无疑是热衷政治的。Her remedy certainly did the trick.她的治疗方案确实奏效了。Buying store brands certainly works out cheaper.购买商店自有品牌的商品肯定能省钱。The restaurant certainly lived up to its reputation; the food was delicious.这家餐馆当然不负盛名:食物美味可口。We can certainly make him sweat a little.我们当然可以让他有些许不安。I certainly don't have anything to prove-my record speaks for itself.我当然没有什么需要证实的 - 我的记录说明了一切。I want to know how it happened because it certainly didn't happen of itself.我想知道它是怎么发生的,因为它肯定不是自己就发生了。An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.入侵肯定会加剧政治危机。Moving to London is certainly a possibility - I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.搬到伦敦去当然也是一种可能的选择——我不会断然拒绝考虑。This recipe is certainly interesting and different.这种烹饪法的确很有意思而且与众不同。This year's festival was certainly much better than last year's.毫无疑问,今年的庆祝活动比去年的好多了。That family has certainly come up in the world.那个家族的社会地位无疑已有所提高。She can certainly turn a phrase.她善于辞令。If she leaves her husband, she will certainly create a scandal in the village.如果她与丈夫离异,肯定会在村子里引起公愤。It certainly helped to deepen my understanding of the situation.它当然有助于加深我对整个情况的理解。I don't know if I'll manage to get everything finished by Friday, but I'll certainly do my best.我不知道能否在星期五之前把一切都完成,但我一定会尽力去做。She was only here for a few months, but she certainly left her mark.她在这里只有几个月,但是她无疑留下了重大的影响。I'd certainly tell you if I knew anything, but I don't. What you're saying is news to me.如果我真知道什么的话,我肯定会告诉你,可我不知道。你现在说的我都没听过。My audience certainly isn't the proverbial man in the street.我的观众当然不是大街上平平常常的普通人。She certainly lives life to the full.她的确是尽可能地享受生活。We were certainly bitten when we bought that old car.我们买下那辆旧汽车,肯定受骗上当了。Many party members agreed with their leader, but they certainly weren't unanimous.许多党员都赞成领导的意见,但是肯定不是全体一致。You look great, Brian. The Bahamas certainly agree with you.你看上去气色好极了,布赖恩。巴哈马显然很适合你。We can certainly lift this table among us.大家一起用力就肯定能把这张桌子抬起来。Their furniture is certainly cheaper, but it's of inferior quality.他们的家具确实便宜些,但是质量较差。I'm certainly going to try.我一定会去尝试的。This latest album certainly shows why Pine is rated a first-class jazz musician among his peers.这张最新的专辑绝对能说明派因为什么能超越同辈,被誉为一流的爵士音乐家。We certainly had our share of good fortune.我们确实比较幸运。That ring is certainly the cheese.那只戒子无疑是精品。She might be a little common at times, but she was certainly not boring.她有时候可能有点粗俗,但绝对不会让人生厌。You could certainly make out a case for this point of view.你当然能找到理由证明这一观点。It is certainly worth checking up on your benefit entitlements.当然应该仔细查对一下你应该享受到多少福利。My mother would certainly be in her element taking care of children.我母亲照料孩子自然是得心应手。He is certainly not handsome or hardworking or clever.他实在是既不英俊,又不勤勉,也不聪明。The committee will certainly take your opinions on board before making a decision.委员会在作出决定之前当然会考虑你的意见。It's certainly taught me that work and money aren't the most important things in life.这件事无疑告诉我工作和金钱不是生活中最重要的东西。The quality of life for pensioners in this country has certainly declined recently.该国领养老金者的生活质量近来肯定下降了。I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone.我绝无意冒犯任何人。I didn't travel much in my twenties but I'm certainly making up for lost time now.我二十多岁时旅行不多,但现在无疑是在弥补失去的时光。




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