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词汇 安排
例句 We arranged for her to be met.我们安排了人去和她见面。Have you got anything on this weekend?这个周末你有什么安排吗?I think we should try and keep our arrangements fluid at this stage.我觉得在这一阶段我们应该尽力保持我们安排的灵活性。The ceremony was timed to coincide with the President's visit.这次典礼正好安排在总统来访的时候。They blew us to ringside seats at the big fight.他们把我们安排在这场重要拳击比赛的台边前排座位来款待我们。An appeal hearing is scheduled for later this month.一场上诉听证会被安排在本月晚些时候。They will arrange collection of the chairs.他们将安排收拾这些椅子。Arranging childcare over the school holidays can be a real conundrum for working parents.对双职工家长来说,学校放假期间如何安排照看孩子是个大难题。Without their help it would have been utterly impossible to arrange the conference.没有他们的帮助,完全是不可能安排这次会议的。The children were boarded out with foster parents.孩子们被安排与养父母一起住宿。We're trying to tie our holiday in with Jaimie's business trip.我们试图把我们的假期与杰米的出差行程安排在一起。You should plan to meet him in a public place.你跟他见面应该安排在一个公共场所。I was not happy about the arrangements by any means, but I agreed to do it.我对这些安排一点也不满意,但我还是同意这么做。I've lined up a cheap trip to Nice later this year.我已经安排了在今年晚些时候去尼斯的一次低价旅行。I'll make arrangements for a car to meet you at the airport.我将安排一辆汽车来机场接你。Alf offered her a part in the play he was directing.阿尔夫在他导演的戏中给她安排了一个角色。No new talks are scheduled.没有安排新的会谈。Give me a ring tomorrow and we'll arrange something for this weekend.明天给我打个电话,我们来给这个周末安排些活动。Don't worry about finding a place to stay. My department will take care of the arrangements.不要担心找地方住,由我的部门来安排The intermediary gave Short a special code word and arranged a time for a contest.中间人告诉肖特一个特别的暗语,并安排了比赛的时间。I arranged everything myself.我自己一个人安排了一切。She arranged for the transportation of her furniture to her new apartment.安排把家具运到新公寓。A spokesman said a meeting had been arranged with Seagram for the weekend after next.一位发言人说与西格拉姆的会议已经安排在下下个周末。Teachers thought it best to separate Paul and Fred and put them in different classes.老师认为最好把保罗和弗雷德分开,安排到不同的班级去。The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary.旅行社工作人员将负责安排交通和旅程计划。A follow-up consultation was arranged for two weeks' time.复诊安排在两周之后。I'm fed up with them mucking me about and cancelling our arrangements.他们耍弄我,取消了我们的安排——我受够了。The soldiers were billeted in private houses in Sutton.士兵们被安排在萨顿的民宅中住宿。Hundreds of junior civil servants have to be put up in hotel rooms and temporary hostels.数百名初级文职官员只能被安排到旅馆和临时青年招待所过夜。Before the company transferred her to Mexico, they offered her private tuition in Spanish.公司派她去墨西哥之前,为她安排了西班牙语的专人辅导。I have nothing/something particular planned for this evening.今晚我没有/有专门的安排The day is also inauspicious for arranging celebrations.这一天安排庆典也是不吉利的。They provided lavish entertainment for their guests.他们为客人安排了丰富多彩的娱乐活动。Our son was made the milk monitor for the younger children.我们儿子被安排监督年纪较小的孩子喝牛奶。She could not entirely apply herself to the arrangements for her wedding.她不能全力以赴安排自己的婚礼。You'll need to arrange for transportation from the airport.你得安排一下从机场回来的车辆。He doesn't need you to organize his life for him.他不需要你来安排他的生活。Getting the project finished on time required careful organization and a lot of teamwork.项目要按时完成,需要精心的安排和大家的通力合作。They had slyly arranged to have the party while we were away.我们外出时,他们偷偷地安排了搞这次聚会。Can you arrange for us to meet your friend?你能为我们安排一下,见见你的朋友吗?




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