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词汇 学校教育
例句 He has had little schooling.他没受过什么学校教育Many children are disadvantaged by poor schooling.许多孩子由于没受过良好的学校教育而处于劣势。There is a widespread impression that schooling needs to be improved.普遍认为学校教育必须加以改进。His schooling provided him with extensive book knowledge/learning.学校教育为他提供了广博的书本知识。We have to drop our pretences and look squarely at schooling as it really is.我们必须抛开一切伪装,正视学校教育的真实情况。He lacks formal schooling.他缺少正规的学校教育A child's values come from its parents and, to a lesser extent, from its schooling.孩子的价值观大多来自于父母,也有小部分来自于学校教育Clair's schooling was spotty, but she learned to read.克莱尔受的学校教育是断断续续的,可是她学会了阅读。The company is now the main supplier of educational software to schools.该公司现在是学校教育软件的主要供应商。She received the best schooling the town could offer.她接受了镇上最好的学校教育Parents cannot help concerning themselves in school affairs.做父母的都不由得关心着学校教育的事。He had little formal schooling.他几乎没受过正式的学校教育Music does not play a very preponderant role in the school's teaching.音乐在学校教育中并未发挥很重要的作用。We want schooling that is suited to the needs of the local community.我们需要符合当地社区需求的学校教育Al's dad had only a few years of schooling.阿尔的爸爸只受过几年的学校教育The new law reduces the number of pupils per class in the first four years of schooling.新的法律减少了头四年学校教育每个班级的学生人数。I needed some time off from education to experience life.我需要从学校教育中抽身一段时间去体验人生。School helps to form a child's character.学校教育有助于培养儿童的品德。He was accused of putting up a smokescreen to hide poor standards in schools.他被指责放烟幕弹企图掩盖学校教育水平低下的事实。He has had no formal schooling.他没有受过正规的学校教育




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