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The human fetus usually becomes viable by the end of the seventh month.人的胎儿通常在第七个月末产下后可以自然存活。Plants need light in order to survive.植物存活必须有光照。This kind of plant can manage with very little water.这种植物只要一点点水就能够存活。Death, not life, is the default state of cells.细胞的常态是死亡而不是存活。Joshua's only hope of survival was a heart transplant.乔舒亚唯一存活的希望就是心脏移植。Seedlings survive better in stony soil.幼苗在多石的土壤中能更好地存活。Thanks to this rank soil, most people survived.多亏土地肥沃,大多数人才得以存活。Her chances of survival are poor.他存活的几率很低。This operation will greatly/dramatically/significantly improve her chances of survival.这次手术将大大提高她的存活机会。This type of plant cannot survive temperatures below freezing.这种植物在冰点以下的温度无法存活。The baby was born with a serious heart defect and not expected to live.这个婴儿生下来心脏就有严重缺陷,没有存活的希望。In the Arctic, in winter, their survival rate was not high.在冬天的北极,他们存活的几率并不高。A generation ago, it was thought that babies born this small could not survive.一代人以前,人们认为生下来这么小的婴儿无法存活。The firm hired the staff to sell the stocks, then let most of them go only a few months after the crash.这家公司聘请员工出售存活,但就在生意下跌几月后就把他们解雇了。After the earthquake, rescuers began digging through the debris in search of survivors.地震后,营救人员开始在废墟中挖掘,搜救存活者。Immigrant plants are sweeping through the Cape of Africa, threatening to strangle the region's prized bush vegetation.外来植物正在非洲好望角蔓延,对该地区珍贵的灌木植被存活形成威胁。They survived because of massive injections of money.由于有了大量资金的注入,他们存活了下来。Many plants are unable to survive in such a harsh/hostile environment.许多植物都无法在那样恶劣的环境中存活。An obligate parasite cannot live independently of its host.专性寄生物离开寄主无法存活。Certain plants cannot live in poorly drained soils.有些植物在排水不良的土壤中无法存活。Patients have a high survival rate if the cancer is detected early.如果癌症发现得早的话,病人的存活概率很高。The chances of survival are in direct proportion to the age of the individual.存活的几率与个体的年龄成正比。Many of the trees Mrs. Socci planted are still standing, a hundred years later.索奇太太种下的树中有许多在一百年之后仍然存活着。The refugees depend on foreign aid for their survival.难民们靠国外救济而存活。The desert climate supports little plant life.沙漠里的气候使绝大多数植物无法存活。He lived only hours after the amputation.他截肢后只存活了几个小时。Some plants will survive outside during a mild winter.暖冬季节,有些植物可以在室外存活。Only one out of four of our tomato plants survived.我们种的四株西红柿只有一株存活了下来。It is doubtful that life could survive under such extreme conditions as these.在这种极端恶劣的条件下生命能否存活还很难说。He suffered third-degree burns and may not survive.他遭受三度烧伤,很有可能无法存活。Unlike so many of his comrades he survived the war.和许多战友不同,他在战争中存活了下来。The new treatment will increase her chances of survival.这种新疗法会增加她存活的机会。Few species can survive in this wild landscape.几乎没有生物能在这片荒芜之地上存活。 |