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I'd had a few notions about being a journalist.我以前曾有过想当记者的念头。The Minister was her usual evasive self, skilfully dodging reporters' questions about her possible resignation.部长还是保持她顾左右而言他的一贯风格,当记者问及她是否可能辞职时,她驾轻就熟地避而不答。Beverly is a neurotic, needy New York journalist who lives her life through her son.贝弗利在纽约当记者,性格神经兮兮,缺乏安全感,儿子就是她生活的支撑。She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism.她在转行当记者前是图书馆管理员。Have you considered working as a journalist?你有没有考虑过去当记者?Eventually he got a cushy job as a newspaper correspondent in Madrid.最后他在马德里找了一份美差,给一家报社当记者。I had a burning ambition to become a journalist.我曾雄心勃勃地要当记者。 |