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词汇 当选
例句 The mayor got in by a very slim margin.市长以微弱优势当选With most of the newspapers on their side, they have a good chance of winning the election.大多数报纸都站在他们那一边,他们当选的机会很大。Will the politician keep his promises when he gets into office?这名政治人物当选以后会信守承诺吗?He's no longer in the running for the post of chairman.他不再有希望当选为主席。Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the US.罗斯福四次当选美国总统。What changes will he make if he gets elected?如果他当选会进行什么变革?He was returned at the head of the poll.他以得票最多而当选The mayor was elected on a promise to cleanse the city government of corruption.市长当选时许诺要清除市政府的腐败行为。Allow me to reiterate: if I am elected, I will not raise taxes.请允许我重申:如果我当选,绝不会增税。The Socialists united behind their probable presidential candidate, Michel Rocard.社会党人团结在他们很有希望当选的总统候选人米歇尔·罗卡尔周围。His nominee for vice president was elected only after a second ballot.他提名的副总统在两轮投票后才当选The government has promised more liberal economic policies if it is elected.该政府许诺说如果它当选将实行更加开放的经济政策。Getting him elected will be a lead-pipe cinch.使他当选易如反掌。Being elected class president was the zenith of my years in high school.当选级长是我中学时代最辉煌的时刻。The former prisoner of conscience was elected president of the new democracy.从前的政治犯当选为新的民主政府的总统。The candidate rode to victory on his new policies.这名候选人凭借其新政策一举当选His election victory was just a fluke.他的当选纯属侥幸。Can you imagine! A person like him being elected mayor! 真无法想象!他那样的人竟然能当选市长!The Conservatives got in at the last election.保守党党员在最后一轮选举中当选I see by/from the newspaper that they've won the election.我从报纸上得知他们当选了。He lost his seat in the last election.他在上届选举中未能当选The Conservatives have promised to increase spending on health and education if they get in.保守党承诺当选后增加卫生和教育的开支。They voted him in by an overwhelming margin.他们以压倒性多数票使他当选His election is a payoff for years of hard work.他的当选是多年来努力工作的结果。She was elected a shop steward.当选为工会谈判代表。He was elected by a ballot of all the teaching staff in the college.他在学院全体教员进行的选举中当选The conservatives have promised to cut taxes if they are voted into office.保守党人承诺,如果当选就实行减税。There was no danger that any of these groups would be elected to power.不存在这些团体中的任何一个当选的风险。A number of Republican congressmen were elected on Bush's coattails.一些共和党国会议员是沾了布什的光当选的。He has held the defence portfolio since the election.自从当选以来他一直担任国防部长之职。He was all-American twice when he played college football.他参加大学橄榄球赛期间,曾两次当选全美最佳球员。He was elected to represent a Liverpool constituency.当选为利物浦选区代表。The restaurant was recently selected as one of the best in the area.这家餐馆最近当选为本地区最佳餐馆之一。She was elected a fellow of the Academy.当选为学会的会员。They believe that the end justifies the means and will do anything to get their candidate elected.他们认为,目的正确就无须在乎手段,所以他们会用尽一切办法让其候选人当选Her election to the Senate was a surprise to many.当选为参议员,这令许多人感到意外。The biggest surprise for Josie was when she was chosen as team captain.最令乔西感到意外的一刻是她当选为队长的时候。If elected, he promised to build more low-cost housing in the city.如果当选的话,他许诺在城内建造更多廉价房屋。She might become Housing Minister in the reshuffle.她在改组中或许能当选住房部长。The broad run of voters want him to win.广大选民希望他当选




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