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词汇 媒体
例句 He was castigated in the media for making millions of dollars while the company went bankrupt.他趁公司破产赚了数百万美元,遭到了媒体的严厉批评。The report will be pulled apart and dissected by the media.这个报告会被媒体大卸八块、严厉批驳。He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press.他回避各国媒体的提问时显得轻松而果决。The press accused the president of dirty tricks in his election campaign.媒体指责总统在竞选中使用了卑鄙手段。The media always manage to nose out some interesting facts about a politician's past life.媒体总是想方设法挖出政客以前的一些趣事。The beard was to make him appear more manly to the media and the public.留胡子是为了让他在媒体和公众面前显得更有男子气概。The press accused him of warmongering.媒体因其主战而谴责了他。The media put their every decision under the microscope.媒体仔细研究了他们的每一个决定。I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter.我错误地相信了媒体的报道只是小事一桩。He cupped his ear and squinted uncomprehendingly when the press posed inconvenient questions.媒体提出难堪的问题时,他就会将手拢在耳边、不解地眯起眼睛。Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press.当地人的感受未必与媒体一致。The interplay between the new politics and the modern media will unbalance the political process and inhibit its workings.新政治和现代媒体之间的相互作用将会扰乱政治进程,妨碍其正常运作。There was a lot of media coverage of the wedding.媒体大张旗鼓地报道了这场婚礼。The media focus has now shifted onto something else.媒体的焦点现已转到别的事情上了。The issue has received much media attention.这个问题一直受到媒体的高度关注。The prince has also enlisted his two daughters in the effort to avoid the press.亲王还借助他的两个女儿来躲避媒体It was one of the first new-media companies to take on Latin America's media monopolies.那是首先向拉丁美洲媒体垄断巨头发起挑战的新媒体公司之一。The AIDS conference received extensive media coverage.媒体对这次艾滋病大会作了大量的报道。The media lavish a lot of attention on people like Hinckley.媒体非常关注像欣克利这样的人。Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.她在整个职业生涯中非常成功地控制了媒体Someone bumbled and told the story to the press.有人闯了祸,把这事告诉了媒体If a politician transgresses, that is not the fault of the media.如果政客行为失检,那可不是媒体的责任。He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant deal with the press.他宁愿留在幕后而让助手去应付媒体The media is abuzz over the speech she gave last night.媒体对她昨晚的演讲津津乐道。The president refused to reveal the terms of the peace agreement to the press.总统拒绝向媒体透露和平协议的条款。It's a shame the way that the media can twist your words and misrepresent you.媒体歪曲他人言论、曲解他人意图的做法真是可耻。The media bombards all of us with images of violence.媒体强加给我们大量的暴力画面。She is kept well away from the press by her handlers.由于有顾问出谋划策,她与媒体完全隔绝了。It seems strange that such a major event should pass almost unnoticed by the local press.如此重要的事件当地媒体几乎没有报道,似乎有些古怪。It was the launching pad for a media career that has made her one of the highest-paid people on British TV.她就是凭此跳板进入媒体行业,成为英国电视界最高薪人士之一。The publicity did her career no harm.媒体的报道对她的事业没有坏处。His book foregrounds three events in which police relations with the media were central.他的书着力描写以警方和媒体间联系为焦点的三个事件。He has always thumbed his nose at the media.他对媒体一直都嗤之以鼻。The media campaign features four commercials that will run for eight weeks.这次在媒体上的宣传活动将推出四个商业广告,为期八周。An anonymous tipster has leaked confidential government information to the press.一个匿名的泄密者向媒体透露了政府机密。She criticized the media's tilt toward one of the candidates.她对媒体偏向其中一位候选人的做法进行了抨击。If we get our facts wrong we'll be eaten alive by the press.如果我们把事实弄错了,媒体会对我们大肆发难的。The whole trial and the media circus surrounding it was surreal.这整个审讯,以及媒体围绕此事的炒作,都很离奇。At no time did anyone involved speak to the press.任何相关人员都没有向媒体发表过言论。She likes all the attention she is getting from the media/press.她喜欢吸引媒体对自己的关注。




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