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词汇 plastered
例句 His clothes were plastered to his body from the rain.他那被雨水淋湿的衣服紧贴在身上。Ernst's supporters have plastered his election posters over walls and cars.厄恩斯特的支持者在墙上和汽车上都张贴了他的竞选海报。Someone had plastered a political poster on the wall.有人在墙上张贴了政治海报。The room had been plastered with posters.这间屋子贴满了招贴画。Our football team really got plastered last week.我们的足球队上星期遭到惨败。The little boy had a smile plastered across his face.小男孩脸上带着微笑。Her wet hair was plastered to her head.她的湿头发紧贴在头上。The windows were plastered with notices.窗户上贴满了告示。I broke my ankle and they plastered my leg.我脚踝断了,他们给我的腿打上了石膏。He got plastered the night his wife left him.他太太离他而去那晚,他喝得烂醉如泥。We plastered and sanded the walls before painting them.我们在墙上先涂灰泥,接着打磨墙面,然后再刷漆。We plastered over the holes and cracks in the wall.我们用灰泥填塞了墙上的小洞和裂缝。My hands, boots and trousers were plastered with mud.我的双手、靴子和裤子上都沾满了泥巴。Chris was plastered after five beers.克里斯喝了五瓶啤酒后就烂醉如泥了。I got/was totally plastered at the party.我在聚会上喝得烂醉如泥。The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off his ladder.他刚抹上灰泥的天花板塌了,把他从梯子上砸了下来。The story was plastered all over the newspapers.报纸上到处都在报道这个故事。He had a silly smile plastered on his face. 他的脸上挂着一丝傻笑。They plastered the city with posters condemning her election.他们在城里到处张贴谴责她当选的海报。His picture was plastered all over the newspapers on the weekend.他的照片占据了周末报纸的头版。The wind plastered their thin overalls against their bodies.他们那薄薄的罩衣被风吹得紧贴在身上。She was sitting in a hospital bed, her plastered leg up in the air.她坐在病床上,一条打了石膏的腿悬在空中。We plastered ourselves flat on the ground.我们把身子贴在地上。She plastered herself in high-factor sun lotion.她给自己抹上了厚厚的一层强效防晒露。The debris is solidly plastered over with snow.瓦砾堆被雪覆盖得严严实实。He plastered over the hole in the wall.他用灰泥堵住了墙上的洞。We won! Let's get plastered!我们赢了!让我们一醉方休。He looked at his garden tools, old and plastered with mud.他看着自己的园艺工具,既破旧,上面又沾着厚厚的泥。His room is plastered with pictures of Porsches and Ferraris.他的房间里贴满保时捷和法拉利车的图片。That football team got plastered.那支足球队败得很惨。The nurse washed and plastered the wound.护士清洗了伤口并在上面贴了膏药。We went to a nightclub in town last night and got absolutely plastered.我们昨晚到城里的一家夜总会去,喝了个烂醉。The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off his ladder.他早先抹好的顶棚塌了,把他从梯子上砸了下来。His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat.他的头发上全是汗水,紧贴在前额上。He was well and truly plastered!他确实是喝醉了。They plastered the walls with posters.他们往墙上贴满了海报。Everyone got totally plastered at the graduation party.在毕业舞会上,所有的人都喝得酩酊大醉。His trousers were plastered with thick yellow mud.他的裤子沾着厚厚的黄泥。His hair was plastered down to his scalp by the rain.他的头发淋雨后紧贴在头皮上。He had a goofy smile plastered across his face.他脸上堆着傻笑。




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