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词汇 plaque
例句 After touring the hospital, the Queen unveiled a commemorative plaque.女王巡视完这家医院后,为纪念牌匾揭了幕。His name had been put on a bronze plaque in raised letters.他的名字用凸起的字母刻在一块铜匾上。A plaque marks the place where the first printing press was built.制造第一台印刷机的地方设有一块牌匾作为标志。A plaque on the building is inscribed with the date of construction.建筑物上的一块匾刻着建造日期。When a famous citizen died, he was commemorated by a statue or a plaque.名人逝世后,人们用塑像或牌匾来纪念他。The Queen unveiled a commemorative plaque.女王为纪念匾揭幕。There were five names on the brass plaque over the intercom.对讲系统上方的黄铜牌上有五个名字。The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college's founder.那所教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。After touring the hospital, Her Majesty unveiled a commemorative plaque.女王陛下巡视完这家医院后,为纪念匾揭了幕。Some Latin words were engraved on the plaque.牌匾上刻着些拉丁文。Brushing prevents a build-up of plaque and tartar on the teeth.刷牙可防止牙斑和牙垢的堆积。On one side of the entrance there's a plaque.入口处一侧有块匾。The Queen unveiled a commemorative plaque.女王为纪念牌匾揭幕。The blue plaque said "Charles Darwin, biologist, lived here."纪念匾上写着“查尔斯•达尔文,生物学家,曾经居住于此。”The team's coach was given a plaque.那个队的教练得到一块匾牌。The local historical society put up a plaque at the site of the battle.当地的历史学会在战役发生地立了牌匾。There is a commemorative plaque to those lost at sea.有一块纪念海上失踪人员的牌匾。The painting is hanging on the wall with a plaque beneath it.画挂在墙上,下面有块牌匾。It is necessary to remove plaque by brushing one's teeth.要想去除牙斑就得刷牙。The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces.上面刻有他名字的石匾被砸得粉碎。Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum.牙齿和牙龈之间会滋生牙斑。The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums.牙刷轻轻地刷去牙斑,丝毫没有伤到牙龈。When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.牙斑如果不清除就会导致牙齿蛀蚀和牙龈疾病。A bronze plaque marked the city's oldest building.一块铜匾牌标记着这座城市最古老的建筑。A memorial plaque will mark the spot where he died.纪念牌将标明他的死亡地点。The plaque awarded to Grant is a mark of recognition for his years of service.牌匾授予格兰特是对他多年来的服务的认可。Gum disease happens when plaque builds up.牙斑堆积会引起牙龈疾病。Brushing your teeth prevents the buildup of plaque.刷牙可防止牙斑的生成。The wooden door plaque was inscribed with Gothic lettering.木制门匾上面刻有哥特式字体的文字。On one side of the main entrance there's a red plaque.大门口的一侧有块红色的匾额。The image was engraved on the plaque.图像被刻在了匾上。His gaze was drawn to the plaque.他的目光被那块匾吸引住了。




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