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词汇 plants
例句 The dining room pictures are of plants and a late loved cat.餐厅里有几张照片,上面是一些植物和一只深得主人喜爱的亡猫。Nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.全国的核武器工厂均受到了有毒废弃物的严重污染。These are plants that do not stand the cold well.这些植物不怎么耐寒。There were plants sprawling all over the place.那儿到处杂乱地生长着各种植物。As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed.秋天临近,花园中的草木和颜色也发生了变化。These new plants haven't taken - they don't like this dry soil.这些新植物长得不好——它们不适应这种干燥的土壤。The plants are regularly spaced.这些植株间距均匀。The garden was overgrown with woody plants such as hawthorn and bramble.花园里长满了诸如山楂、黑莓之类的木本植物。Certain plants cannot live in poorly drained soils.有些植物在排水不良的土壤中无法存活。The front plot has been banked with wooden planks and filled with plants.前面的那块地已经用堆起的木板围了起来,里面种上了植物。He is growing tomato plants in pots.他用盆栽种西红柿。The diseased plants are worthless to the farmer.有病害的植物对农民没有价值。One population of animals or plants may intergrade with another.一类动物或植物群体会和另一类动物或植物群体逐渐融合。These plants have very deep roots.这些植物的根长得很深。They bedded the plants in good soil.他们将这些秧苗栽在沃土中。Can you name all the plants and trees in this garden?你能叫出花园里所有花草树木的名称吗? As the plants grow and start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water.当植物生长并开始结果的时候,它们需要大量的水。During dormancy the plants must be kept very dry.休眠期间,植株必须保持干燥。We found out by trial and error which plants could survive the dry conditions.通过反复试验,我们知道了哪些植物能够在干旱的环境下生存。The caterpillars feed on a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants.毛虫以各类树木、灌木和植物为食。They were both surrounded by a nursery of potted plants.他们两人都被苗圃里的盆栽植物包围了。These plants prefer full sun or partial shade.这些植物比较喜欢全日照或部分日照。These are tricksy plants in our part of the country.这些是我们这个地方很难对付的植物。These plants must be stored in the light at above freezing temperature.这些植物必须放置于零度以上光照充足的地方。You might be able to fit some small flowering plants between the larger bushes.你或许可以在较大的灌木之间种些小的开花植物。The application of fertilizer increased the size of the plants.施肥使植株长得更高大了。If it turns cold, cover plants.如果天气变冷,就把植物盖起来。His trees and plants were almost as important to him as his music.他的花草树木对他而言几乎跟他的音乐一样重要。Few plants can grow in such a frigid environment.几乎没有什么植物能够在如此寒冷的环境下生长。They are the descendants of plants imported by the early settlers.它们是早期移民带来的一些植物的后代。These plants are very fragrant when they are in full bloom.这些植物在花朵盛开时花香浓郁。The government's priority is to build more power plants.政府的首要任务是建更多发电厂。We've been studying the plants and animals that live in this area.我们一直在研究这个地区的野生动植物。Cacti are succulent plants.仙人掌是肉质植物。These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.这些植物无法在非常寒冷的条件下生存。Most plants are planted purely for decoration.大多数植物都是为了装饰才种的。Sunlight is needed in order for the process of photosynthesis to take place in plants.植物需要阳光来进行光合作用。Many strange plants and fish live on the sea bed.海底生活着许多奇异的植物和鱼类。Cold weather retards the growth of many plants.寒冷的天气使许多植物生长滞缓。The electric-power industry is gun-shy about building more large plants.电力行业对新建大型电厂十分谨慎。




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