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词汇 威信
例句 That strategy runs the risk of undermining their authority.采取那个策略可能会损害他们的威信Your boss isn't just trying to cut you down to size, but actually to get rid of you.你的老板不仅仅是想要降低你的威信,实际上是要把你撵走。He complained that we had tried to undermine his credibility within the company.他抱怨说我们企图损害他在公司的威信She tried to undermine my authority by complaining about me to my boss.她向我的上司说我坏话,借此极力暗中破坏我的威信The officer had lost authority with his men.那个军官在他的士兵中间已失去了威信He quickly asserted his authority as a leader.他迅速地树立起自己的领导威信The scandal has undermined the government's moral authority.这桩丑闻损害了政府的道德威信The conversations were designed to undermine her authority.这些谈话有意削弱她的威信The decline in his influence mirrors a drop in his prestige.他的影响的减弱反映出他威信的下降。She has risen in my estimation. 她在我的心目中威信上升。When an executive comes into a new job, he wants to quickly make an impact.一个新主管刚上任时,会希望尽快树立威信The conversations were designed to undermine her authority so she felt that she could no longer work for the company.这些谈话有意削弱她的威信,这样她会觉得自己在公司干不下去。Tom had the most authority of all.汤姆在所有人中威信最高。The President is at a low ebb in public-opinion polls.总统在民意测验中显得威信低落。If the economy turned round the Prime Minister's authority would quickly increase.如果经济复苏了,首相的威信会迅速提高。Noisy classrooms are a symptom of a breakdown in authority.课堂喧哗吵闹是教师丧失威信的一个征兆。The couple's prestige was damaged by the allegations.这对夫妇的威信因这些指控而受损。




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