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词汇 the world
例句 Look, we are both men of the world, would anyone really mind?听着,我们都是见过世面的人,真有人会介意吗?She works for the fifth largest accountancy firm in the world.她就职于世界第五大会计公司。The story was broadcast throughout the world and began to take on a life of its own. 这条新闻在全世界播出后迅速扩大,几近失控。People came from all over the world to enjoy America's bounty.世界各地的人都涌往美国,享受美国的富裕。Members of her family are now dispersed around the world.现在她的家人分散在世界各地。The US team is new to the soccer scene, and can't expect to beat the Brazils of the world.美国队是足球界的新丁,并不指望打败巴西队之类的球队。The rest of the world is less encumbered with legislation.世界上的其他国家没有这般受立法的限制。I didn't really care about what was going on in the world until I became a father.自己当父亲以前,我对世界上发生了什么不太关心。We were having a few beers and generally putting the world to rights.我们一边喝啤酒,一边大谈如何匡时济世。The holiday will have done him the world of good.这个假期定会对他大有好处。Eventually the world will come to its senses and get rid of them.最终这世界会清醒过来,将它们全部丢弃。He's said to be the richest man in the world.据说他是世界上最富有的男人。He thinks the world cares little whether a man is a churchman, so long as he is good and true.他想只要一个人慈善忠厚,谁也不会介意他是否是个教徒。The bizarre court case was shown on TV and made headlines around the world.这桩奇怪的案子在电视上播出,成了世界各地的头条新闻。Visionaries are constantly fighting conventional wisdom because they see the world ahead in terms of what it can be.愿景家总在不断挑战传统思维,因为他们是用超前的眼光看待这个世界的。He looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. 他过于乐观地看世界。Foster, who is twice the world champion, competes today.两届世界冠军福斯特也参加了今天的比赛。She holds a large integrated complex spread everywhere in the world.她拥有遍布世界各地庞大的联合企业。Her paintings have been exhibited all over the world.她的绘画作品在世界各地展出。They're making judgments based on a narrowly focused vision of the world.他们是在基于狭隘的世界观作出判断。Education, he believed, was the only way that anyone could move up in the world.他认为教育是唯一能使人提高社会地位的手段。Its drugtesting procedures are the most stringent in the world.其药物检测程序是世界上最严格的。There's nothing in the world we can do about it.我们真是无能为力。Travel increases one's knowledge of the world.旅游增进人对世界的了解。She proclaimed her innocence to the world.她向全世界表明她的无辜。We should be naturalized to the new tide of the world.我们必须顺应新的世界潮流。The competition has been thrown wide open by the absence of the world champion.由于世界冠军缺阵,这场比赛变得胜负难定。Always certain of what he wanted from the world, Mr Johnson had in large measure obtained it.约翰逊先生对于自己求诸世界的东西始终一清二楚,而他多半也已经得到。My own father is all the world to me.对我说来父亲就是我的一切。The company has dealings with firms all over the world.这家公司同世界各地的公司有交易。The city has one of the highest crime rates in the world.这个城市是世界上犯罪率最高的地方之一。He languished for his wife and children on the other side of the world.他苦苦地思念在地球另一边的妻儿。His motivation for wanting to stay on as manager is to see England as the top team in the world.他想继续留任当教练的动力在于他想看到英格兰队成为世界顶尖球队。My son sees life in black and white. To him, the world is full of greedy capitalists and underpaid workers.我儿子看待生活很绝对。在他看来,世界全是贪婪的资本家和薪水微薄的工人。Most tellingly, perhaps, chimpanzees do not draw as much information from the world around them as we do.也许,最能说明问题的是黑猩猩从周围的世界获取的信息没有我们多。Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world.凡·高可能是世界上最知名的画家。Nassau now has the third highest crime rate in the world.该市现在的犯罪率高居世界第三位。Ethiopia has the lowest oil consumption per capita in the world.埃塞俄比亚是世界上人均消耗汽油最少的国家。South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world.南亚仍然是世界上经济最活跃的地区。Her books have caught the imagination of children from around the world. 她的书受到了世界各地儿童的喜爱。




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