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The pressure built up over the year, and eventually I had to leave my job.一年里感到压力越来越大,最终我只得辞职。The company ended the year on the crest of a wave although it had started badly.这家公司成功地结束了这一年,虽然开头情况很糟。Do you actually fail the year if you don't hand in a piece of work?要是不把作业交上去,今年真的会不及格吗?We had to increase our output to fill the quota by the end of the year.我们必须增加产量,才能在年底完成定额。The needs of personal computers were surging in the first half of the year.今年上半年,家用电脑的需求量不断猛增。By the end of the year, most of the occupying troops had been driven from the city.到年底时大部分占领军都被赶出了这个城市。It's not a great job, but if you keep your nose clean, you should be promoted by the end of the year.这不算是什么好工作,但只要你老老实实地干下去,到年底应该就会得到提升。All the city's schools will be online by the end of the year.到年底,市里的所有学校都会联网。He was getting very hard to live with, and that's the understatement of the year.说他很不好相处,那简直是说得太客气了。Both will expire at the end of the year.这两项政策将于今年底到期。That monument has been there since the year one.纪念碑已经立在那里好长时间了。The demolitions should be complete by the end of the year.拆除工作应当在年底完成。This novel is reckoned as the best seller of the year.这本小说被认为是本年的畅销书。If the pundits are right, the economic situation may become worse before the end of the year.如果专家说得对,那么经济形势可能会在年底前恶化。Profits tailed off towards the end of the year.利润到年底几乎减为零了。This is the flat time of the year for our business.这是我们一年中的业务淡季。It's better for them to save, because their income may fall short in the latter part of the year.他们最好存钱,因为下半年他们的收入可能不够花。The college admits students anytime during the year.该学院一年中随时招生。You should avoid over-spending in the first half of the year.上半年你应避免超支。The mountain is topped with snow all the year round.这山顶终年积雪。They live here for the greater part of the year.他们一年中大部分时间都住在这儿。The club disbanded at the end of the year.俱乐部在年底解散了。It is by all odds the best book of the year.这无疑是本年度最好的书。There are peaks and valleys in electricity usage throughout the year.一年下来,用电量既有高峰,也有低谷。We are hoping to complete the deal in the first half of the year.我们希望在上半年完成这笔交易。We have a full programme of social events that take place throughout the year.这一年里我们排满了各种社交活动。It's the best tennis match of the year, a real scorcher.这是今年最好的一场网球赛,确是轰动一时。He's been in the local pantomime since the year dot.他很长时间以来一直在本地从事哑剧表演。This is going to be the biggest society wedding of the year.这将成为本年度最盛大的名流婚礼。The economy is unlikely to reach its trough until the turn of the year.经济在今年年底前不太可能探底。The win was his third of the year.这是他本年度第三次获胜。Several important things happened during the year.那一年中发生了好几件重大事情。But the more able students spent most of the year spinning their wheels.但能力更强的学生花了大半年的时间,却徒劳无功。This is a prime candidate for best movie of the year.这是年度最佳电影的最佳候选片。At his lordship's death in the Spanish campaign in the year 1811,his estate fell in to the family of the Tiptoffs.这位爵爷在1811年西班牙战役中死亡后,他的产业归蒂普托夫家族支配。New legislation on adoption comes into effect at the end of the year.新的收养法年底生效。At the end of the year we check to see if your tax is right.在岁末我们检查一下你的纳税是否正确。The contract requires him to finish work by the end of the year.这份合同要求他在年底完成工作。The system will be fully operational by the end of the year.这个系统将在年底前全面投入运营。We would hope to be able to give a considered response to the unions' proposals by the end of the year.对于工会的提议,我们希望能在年底之前给出一个成熟的答复。 |