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例句 Many professions feel they deserve higher pay, and nurses are a case in point.许多专业人员认为他们应该得到更高的工资,护士就是一个例子。Even though they lost the game, they can still hold up their heads because they tried their best.尽管输了这场比赛,他们仍然感到骄傲,因为他们拼尽了全力。I had hoped to help my neighbors, but they regarded me as an interloper.我本想帮助邻居们,可他们却认为我添乱。They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can.他们总是愿意认真倾听并尽量提出建议。Query, when will they carry out the project?请问,他们什么时候执行这一方案? When they go on vacation, they spare no expense. 度假时他们舍得花钱。The team was trailing after the first half, but they came back and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。I knew that they would point the finger at me.我知道他们会责怪我的。He took a gleeful delight in showing them how wrong they were.他幸灾乐祸地指出他们大错特错了。Most boys like to swim once they have learned how.男孩一学会游泳,多半就都喜欢上了。At the end of the movie they ride off into the sunset.在电影的结尾,他们骑马消失在落日余晖中。Everyone turned to look at Gordon and his voluptuous mistress as they entered the room.戈登和他那位体形丰满的情人走进房间,大家都回头看着他们。Now and then they heard the roar of a heavy truck.他们不时地听到大卡车的轰鸣声。Total strangers used to come up to me and tell me how much they'd enjoyed the show.以前常有完全不认识的人走过来对我说他们非常喜欢那次演出。First they emptied the truck of its cherries.他们首先清空了卡车上的樱桃。Their leaders need a kick up the backside if they're going to save the economy.如果他们的领导人想挽救经济的话,他们就得有惊人之举。Today, people are much more concerned about their health than they were in the past.现在人们比过去更关注自己的健康。Mellowed by several drinks, he suggested that they should get married.喝了几杯酒放松下来之后,他提议他们应该结婚。I was a talentless spoiler. If I couldn't be good, why should they?.我是个无能的捣乱分子。如果我做不好,他们有什么理由表现好呢?The tone of the feminist speakers suggested they were adopting a somewhat defensive posture.女权主义发言人的口气表明她们的戒心相当重。These batteries can be recharged when they run down.这些电池电量用完时可以再充电。I think I can safely predict that they will fight the verdict.我想我可以有把握地预测他们将对这一判决提出抗诉。If they have the virus they are putting patients at risk.如果他们有这种病毒,就会将病人置于危险境地。Apparently, they had escaped somehow and gotten home.显然,他们想方设法逃回了家里。Sometimes they spent days on end in the saddle.有时候他们一连几天骑马。These problems might not be solved by money alone, but they will assuredly not be solved without it.仅仅靠钱或许解决不了这些问题,但是没有钱肯定不能解决。Most stores ask for a small deposit if they are to keep goods for you.大多数店家替你保留商品前都会要求先支付小额订金。If they'll lend us the money we need, all our problems will be solved.如果他们借给我们所需的钱,所有问题就都解决了。As a business, they have found a winning formula.作为一家企业,他们找到了成功之道。You're the kind of person who affiliates himself with the kind of crap they spout.你这种人就会去附和他们的那些废话。Since the separation they've each been seeing different people.自从分居以后,他们各自都在和别人交往。It was apparent that they all understood.显然他们都领会了。A load of Michael Schumacher wannabes are trying to show what they can do on the track.许多人效仿迈克尔·舒马赫,也想在赛车场上表现一下自己。Why don't you ask for a raise? You never know, they could say yes.你干吗不要求加薪?谁也说不准,他们也许会同意的。In cooking they lose their firmness and become very sweet.经烹制,这些东西就不再硬邦邦的了,而且会变得很甜。Since they had their baby they've both become quite domesticated.自从有了孩子之后,他们两人都变得很会做家务了。More to the point, did they get away?更重要的是,他们逃走了吗?As children grow older, they become more rational.儿童随着年龄的增长会变得更明白事理。They said they would drag Tom through the mud.他们扬言要汤姆名誉扫地。This service should be available to everyone, irrespective of whether they can afford it.这项服务应该为所有人提供,无论他们是否负担得起。




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