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例句 If nature abhors a vacuum, journalists abhor a transition, when there is little news to cover.好比自然界拒绝真空一样,新闻工作者则厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。Her inheritance came as manna from heaven.这笔遗产对她来说好比天赐之财。The minor scandals of recent months paled to insignificance beside this episode.最近几个月的那些小丑闻与这件事相比,好比小巫见大巫,显得不足道。Your generous gift was manna from heaven.你慷慨的赠予好比天降甘露。Life can be likened to a journey with an unknown destination.人生就好比一场不知终点的旅行。I'm afraid you're casting pearls before swine with your good advice - he won't listen.恐怕你给他忠告就好比对牛弹琴——他不会听的。The Yankees’ problems pale by comparison with those of the Dodgers.与道奇队的麻烦相比,洋基队的问题好比小巫见大巫。His newspaper column is the journalistic equivalent of candy.他在报纸中撰写的专栏就好比是新闻大餐中的糖果。




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